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Первый авторLavrienko
АвторыPen TatianaV.
АннотацияIn this article the authors analyzed the educational process regarding the disabled people; the research is focused on the Siberian Federal University program “Profession and Health” The analysis comprised the pedagogical experiment, observations, testing, conversations, dialogues between a student and a teacher, the self-assessment and monitoring of pupils (students), the summary of the pedagogical experience. The array of methods and forms has been developed from the results. These methods enable the realization of the individual and differential approach in the educational process, namely dialogical methods, individual consultations, the permanent and all-comprising test control and self-diagnostic methods. It has been revealed that vital prerequisites for the efficient learning process are: the knowledge of psychological and pedagogical features of the cognitive activity of students, the emotional and positive attitude in the interaction between the teacher and the student, the use of the special complex of the educational forms and methods, which correspond to the needs of people with disabilities.
Lavrienko, TatianaV. Individually-Differentiated Approach to the Educational Process Organization for Disabled People / TatianaV. Lavrienko, TatianaV. Pen // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 43-48 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585018 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2017 10) 189-194 ~ ~ ~ УДК 378:376-056.26 Individually-Differentiated Approach to the Educational Process Organization for Disabled People Tatiana V. Lavrienko and Tatiana V. Pen* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 09.12.2016, received in revised form 12.01.2017, accepted 02.02.2017 In this article the authors analyzed the educational process regarding the disabled people; the research is focused on the Siberian Federal University program “Profession and Health”. <...> The analysis comprised the pedagogical experiment, observations, testing, conversations, dialogues between a student and a teacher, the self-assessment and monitoring of pupils (students), the summary of the pedagogical experience. <...> These methods enable the realization of the individual and differential approach in the educational process, namely dialogical methods, individual consultations, the permanent and all-comprising test control and self-diagnostic methods. <...> It has been revealed that vital prerequisites for the efficient learning process are: the knowledge of psychological and pedagogical features of the cognitive activity of students, the emotional and positive attitude in the interaction between the teacher and the student, the use of the special complex of the educational forms and methods, which correspond to the needs of people with disabilities. <...> Keywords: disabled people; educational process; pedagogical experiment; individually-differentiated approach; dialogical methods; self-diagnostic methods. <...> Introduction Disabled people require specific approach specified by the necessity of help in personal development, assertiveness and social adaptability The effective work with listener of preparatory department with musculoskeletal system diseases is possible with realization of © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: silp167@inbox.ru – 189 – individually-differentiated education process. <...> The main principles of selecting the methods, forms and means for realization of this approach in educational process are the following: taking into account the general and individual traits of listener; the preliminary adaptation of listener to high school education through the continuity of learning; the increase of pupils’ subjectivity; Tatiana V. Lavrienko, Tatiana V. Pen. <...> Individually-Differentiated Approach to the Educational Process Organization for… the influence on the listeners’ personal development through the humanistic means of communication. <...> Following S.A. Smirnov’s example we adhere to such educational doctrine as: “The method of education is the way of organizing the educational and informative activity of the student from the first tasks, considering the levels of informative activity and the results for the achievement of didactic <...>