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Первый авторGlushkov
АвторыSlyusareva EvgeniaA., Aleksandrovsky AleksanderS., Tsipotan AlekseyS., Slabko VitaliyV.
АннотацияA theoretical model is developed for describing the laser-induced interaction of a pair of multilevel semiconductor quantum dots. Spectral dependencies of interaction energy are calculated in dipole-dipole approximation for a pair of CdSe quantum dots in a quasi-resonant laser field, for cases of two identical quantum dots and those with differing transition wavelengths. Interaction energy of pair of multilevel quantum dots in the long-wavelength potential well is much higher than that of pair of two-level quantum dots. The increase of difference of resonance wavelengths of two interacting quantum dots leads to decrease of the potential well depth
УДК532.2, 541.14, 547.97
LASER-INDUCED INTERACTION OF MULTILEVEL QUANTUM DOTS / AndreyA. Glushkov [и др.] // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Mathematics & Physics .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 108-116 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581760 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Mathematics & Physics 2017, 10(1), 108–116 УДК 532.2, 541.14, 547.97 Laser-induced Interaction of Multilevel Quantum Dots Andrey A. Glushkov∗ Evgenia A. Slyusareva† Aleksander S. Aleksandrovsky‡ Aleksey S.Tsipotan§ Vitaliy V. Slabko¶ Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics Siberian Federal University Svobodny, 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia Received 13.06.2016, received in revised form 14.09.2016, accepted 20.11.2016 A theoretical model is developed for describing the laser-induced interaction of a pair of multilevel semiconductor quantum dots. <...> Spectral dependencies of interaction energy are calculated in dipole-dipole approximation for a pair of CdSe quantum dots in a quasi-resonant laser field, for cases of two identical quantum dots and those with differing transition wavelengths. <...> Interaction energy of pair of multilevel quantum dots in the long-wavelength potential well is much higher than that of pair of two-level quantum dots. <...> The increase of difference of resonance wavelengths of two interacting quantum dots leads to decrease of the potential well depth. <...> Among physical interactions one can distinguish, e.g., electric, mechanical, convective and optical ones [1]. <...> Recently a method of self-organization of nanoparticles into the structures with the predefined geometry in the field of resonant laser radiation was suggested [12, 13]. <...> It was shown that under corresponding choice of the wavelength and the polarization of external laser field with respect to the structure under formation the interaction energy of dipoles induced on the particles can exceed the thermal motion energy. <...> In the following, using the mathematical modeling methods, the influence of the phase difference of induced dipole moments [14], and of the height of the barrier preventing from spontaneous aggregation [15] were studied. <...> Spectral properties of a pair of metallic particles as the function of interparticle distance were studied in [16, 17]. <...> Formation of pairs via photochemical reactions was studied in [18], as well as in the conditions of spatially modulated laser irradiation [19, 20]. <...> Electromagnetic interaction of nanoparticles induced by laser irradiation was earlier considered in the single-resonance approximation [12–15] This approach is justified for metal particles with surface plasmon resonance [21]. <...> Formation of pre-defined nanostructures of semiconducting quantum dots (QD) [22], and dielectric nanoparticles with resonant rare earth or transition metal dopants [23 <...>