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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Банковские технологии  / №10 2016


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Аннотация«Banking technologies»: Alexey, we spoke to you year ago about the Russian POS-terminal and paying methods market situation. What do yo think, what happened during this year on the market? How was it developing? How did you company behave on it? Alexey Philippov: Despite the tough situation in the Russian economy our market was actively developing. It happened because of the Russian trade enquiring market rise, and besides, the market received the payment card «Mir» and there was the need to make the terminals ready to work with this card. For our company this year was the active development time. First of all on our own, domestic, Russian market.
ALEXEY PBILIPPOVOUR: "EQUIPMENT IS MADE ACCORDING TO THE MARKET NEEDS" // Банковские технологии .— 2016 .— №10 .— С. 48-55 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580400 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

TRUSTHECH 2016 #10 (250) 2016 БАНКОВСКИЕ 46 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Special Issue #10 (250) 2016 «Banking technologies»: Alexey, we spoke to you year ago about the Russian POS-terminal and paying methods market situation. <...> Alexey Philippov: Despite the tough situation in the Russian economy our market was actively developing. <...> It happened because of the Russian trade enquiring market rise, and besides, the market received the payment card «Mir» and there was the need to make the terminals ready to work with this card. <...> For our company this year was the active development time. <...> In the beginning of 2016 we created a new model range Yarus 2100 with new characteristics and specialized versions for different segments. <...> The right decision was to count on the direct sales trade and service businesses. <...> The direct sales method to sell our ideas to the TSB allowed us not only to continue with the current sales volume, but also raise them. <...> For example, today we can supply anyone with the full-fledged banking POS-terminal for 14 000 roubles. <...> This can allow itself practically any TSB if it wants to work with the plastic cards in order to receive payment for its wares and services. <...> PINpad for banking card receiving can be bought for 7 000 roubles. <...> Without a doubt, such ideas are very promising for the current market. for different segments. <...> Can you name some specific numbers to evaluate this growth? <...> A. Ph.: I don’t have specific numbers but, according to our data, the market volume has risen app. on 15%. «B. T.»: How would you evaluate your company’s growth? <...> A. Ph.: Cash equipment market confronted the need of serious changes because of the new order emerge of the Federal law №54 which demand the use of the brand new cast equipment. <...> This ТЕХНОЛОГИИ >>Yarus company is one of the rare local Russian manufacturers of POS-terminals, equipment and plastic card usage methods. <...> The CEO of the Yarus company Alexey Philippov has told us about the market development, specially designed methods for it by Yarus and the next expansion plans, which include also the foreign <...>