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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №11 2016


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Первый авторKuimov
АвторыShcherbenko EvaV.
АннотацияThis article examines the global food market, its development prospects, resources and capabilities of production in ecologically clean regions of Siberia and Krasnoyarsk Krai and their export to the densely populated countries of South and East Asia participating in the implementation of global projects across the New Silk Road. The authors confi rm the need for qualitative improvement of the modern food market emergence in the region
Kuimov, VasilyV. FOOD RESOURCES OF KRASNOYARSK KRAI: THE POSSIBILITY OF EXPORTS TO COUNTRIES PARTICIPATING IN GLOBAL PROJECTS (ASIA – SIBERIA –EUROPE) / VasilyV. Kuimov, EvaV. Shcherbenko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №11 .— С. 286-298 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576229 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2016 9) 2832-2844 ~ ~ ~ УДК 334.021 Food Resources of Krasnoyarsk Krai: the Possibility of Exports to Countries Participating in Global Projects (Asia – Siberia –Europe) Vasily V. Kuimov* and Eva V. Shcherbenko Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 20.09.2016, received in revised form 11.10.2016, accepted 03.11.2016 This article examines the global food market, its development prospects, resources and capabilities of production in ecologically clean regions of Siberia and Krasnoyarsk Krai and their export to the densely populated countries of South and East Asia participating in the implementation of global projects across the New Silk Road. <...> The authors confi rm the need for qualitative improvement of the modern food market emergence in the region. <...> Keywords: food resources, food market, cooperative-integrative networks for regional products promotion. <...> Food has always been the most important resource of human activities. <...> This is refl ected in the UN continuous attention to the amount of food production, opportunities for food supply and consumption. <...> More than 216 million people have been the Millennium rescued from a life from hand to mouth; 72 countries have already achieved MDG-1 (the fi ght against hunger); another nine countries are Vasily V. Kuimov, Eva V. Shcherbenko. <...> Food Resources of Krasnoyarsk Krai: the Possibility of Exports to Countries… Fig. 1. <...> Against the background of the world population growth and the decrease in the number of hungry and malnourished people, there is defi nitely growing food consumption, increasing demand for new technologies of production, processing, storage and delivery. <...> The main factors underlying the decline in prices of staple foods are generally abundant supply of agricultural products, the slowdown of the world economy, as well as the strengthening of the US dollar. <...> This is mainly due to the decrease in prices and increase in self-suffi ciency in a number of countries. <...> In general, due to the increase in world population there will remain steady upward demand for food. <...> The staple foods consumption will grow by 1-2%, enough for the world population growth by 80-100m people annually without the defi cit in the food market [3]. # 2833 # Vasily V. Kuimov, Eva V. Shcherbenko. <...> Russia is becoming an active world exporter of grain and other <...>