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Первый авторLaptevа
АвторыEfimov ValeriiS.
АннотацияThe ongoing changes in universities are considered in the logic of change of socio-economic development phases – as an aspect of the post-industrial transition. The content of the society and university development phases is comprehended through a set of categories: “the activity-oriented – the social – the anthropological”. The article identifi es four “generations” of universities relevant to the pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial and cognitive phases. In order to analyze transitions from one generation to another the authors use a model “overcoming – positing – deployment” (forms of activity, institutional forms, forms of consciousness and thinking, pictures of the world). The article also discusses features of the future University – University 4.0
Laptevа, AllaV. NEW GENERATION OF UNIVERSITIES. UNIVERSITY 4.0 / AllaV. Laptevа, ValeriiS. Efimov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №11 .— С. 135-150 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576218 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

University 4.0 Alla V. Laptevа and Valerii S. Efi mov* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 11.06.2016, received in revised form 22.08.2016, accepted 04.09.2016 The ongoing changes in universities are considered in the logic of change of socio-economic development phases – as an aspect of the post-industrial transition. <...> The content of the society and university development phases is comprehended through a set of categories: “the activity-oriented – the social – the anthropological”. <...> In order to analyze transitions from one generation to another the authors use a model “overcoming – positingdeployment” (forms of activity, institutional forms, forms of consciousness and thinking, pictures of the world). <...> Introduction high The modern world is characterized by dynamics of technological, demographic and other processes of a global scale. sciences consider Philosophy and socio-cultural, economic, social this dynamics as a “change in technological waves”, “phase transition”, “anthropological revolution”, while emphasizing the depth, intensity, special quality of the changes that give rise to high uncertainty about the future. <...> The changes also cover higher education; many © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: efi mov.val@gmail.com; avlapteva@yandex.ru # 2681 # researchers interpret them as a multifaceted crisis (Readings, 1996), the aspects of which are a gap between the labour market needs and professional education (Gimpelson et al., 2009), a decline in the prestige of the teaching labour (Liubimov, 2009), the need to change a paradigm of education (Post-industrial transition., 2005), etc. <...> A utmost form of the “crisis” discourse is a judgment of the “death of the university” (Barnett, 2001); it also refl ects the power of challenges faced by the university, the inadequacy of efforts to respond Alla V. Laptevа, Valerii S.Efi mov. <...> It is important to discuss the current state of universities not as a “crisis” or “death”, but within the concept of “transformation” embracing these categories. <...> Transformation is a crisis and destruction of one socio-cultural whole and, at the same time, the creation and deployment of another. <...> We believe that the transformation of educational institutions has a generalcivilizational nature and is related to the “phase transformation” – transition from the industrial forms of the existence of society to the postindustrial ones (Bell, 1999; Inozemtsev, 1995; Pereslegin, 2007). <...> In contrast to local changes the transformation reformation of involves the university as a system – its mission, functions in society and, therefore, a set <...>