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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторАфзалетдиноеа Гульнара Хасановна
АннотацияВ статье рассматриваются особенности исключительных режимов как общетеоретической категории, определяется их дефиниция и основные признаки, а также особенности данного правового инструментария межгосударственного характера. Проводимое исследование опирается на работы учёных-правоведов, таких как С. С. Алексеев, И.С. Барзилова. Г.С. Беляева. А.В. Малько. И.С. Морозова, ИМ. Матузов, О.С. Родионов, Э.Ф. Шамсумова и других, исследовавших правовые режимы
Афзалетдиноеа, Г.Х. 13.17. ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРАВОВЫЕ РЕЖИМЫ КАК СРЕДСТВА РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ИНТЕГРАЦИОННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ В СФЕРЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ / Г.Х. Афзалетдиноеа // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 341-346 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571835 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE EXCEPTIONAL REGIMES AS ADJUSTING MEANS INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN SPHERE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Afzaletdinova Gulnara Khasanovna, competitor. <...> Place of study: Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). <...> Place of employment: Department of Federal Drug Control Service of Russian Federation in Moscow Region. <...> E-mail: dinara-05@list.ru Annotation: The article considered features exceptional regimes as a general theoretical categories, determined by the in concept basic features and also features this legal instrumentation interstate nature. <...> Conducted a study based on the work of legal scholars, such as S.S. AleА .. kseev, I.S. Barzilova, G.S. Belyaeva, A.V. Malko, N.I. Matuzov, O.S. Rodionov, E.F. Shamsumova and others, who have studied the legal regimes. <...> The purpose research is the scientific understanding and analysis exceptional regime, contained in rule of law Customs union. <...> The author tasked for this purpose is define the essence and identify the theoretical and legal features regime demands, based integration processes, as a result of deeply know essence and appointment aforementioned legal means. <...> The author used as a general scientific and special methods of knowledge. <...> The scientific and practical significance prove is the need to form holistic concept exceptional regime interstate nature and improvement legal instrumentation, studying its mechanism of action. <...> The theoretical and legal studies its integrated legal means as a exceptional regime as a result of accelerate the integration Russian Federation in world community, will help in the legislative and enforcement activities. <...> Belyaeva G.S. The essence of the legal regime: some КsЩОМЭs // «BlКМФ СШlОs» ТЧ ЭСО RЮssТКЧ lОРТslКЭТШЧ. 2013. №4. <...> Belyaeva G.S. The principles of legal regime // The РКЩs ТЧ RЮssТКЧ lКа. 2013. №4. <...> Lebedeva E.N. Mechanism of the legal socio-active behavior encouraging (theory and practice): the diss. of the cand. of law sciences. <...> Legal regimes: general theoretical and branchaspects: monograph / The edited doctor of laws, professor A.V. Malko and doctor of laws, professor I.S. Barzilova. – M.:Yurlitinform, 2012. – 416 p. 7. <...> Shumilov V.M. The world Trade organization: law and system. <...>