Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 635213)
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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторДжафарова Афгана Алигусеоновна
АннотацияЗадача - изучить развитие уголовного законодательства о клевете до начала XX века Модель - в ходе работы были использованы общенаучный и системно-структурный подходы, исторические методы исследования, методы сравнения, синтеза и анализа.
Джафарова, А.А. 13.16. РАЗВИТИЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОГО УГОЛОВНОГО ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА О КЛЕВЕТЕ ДО НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА / А.А. Джафарова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 336-340 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571834 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOMESTIC CRIMINAL LEGISLATION ABOUT SLANDER BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY DzhafarovaAfganaAligusejnovna, adjunct. <...> Place of study: Ufa Law Institute of the Interior of Russia. <...> E-mail: emil55576@mail.ru Annotation Task - to study development of the criminal legislation on slander prior to the beginning of the XX-th century. <...> Model - general scientific and systematic-structural approaches, historical methods of research, methods of comparison, synthesis and analysis have been used. <...> Conclusions - on the basis of historical experience of the domestic legislation, the positions demanding the account at reforming operating criminal-rules of law are formulated. <...> Practical value - positions and the conclusions formulated in research, can promote increase of efficiency of the criminally-legal means directed on counteraction of distribution of obviously false data. <...> Originality/value - the prepared scientific article contains debatable questions and is addressed actual to persons who are interested in all whom actual problems of counteraction of crimes against honour and advantage of the person. <...> The Vladimir-Budanov M. F. Obzor of history of Russian right. <...> Duhovsky M. V. Ponjatie of slander, as crimes against honour of private persons, by Russian right. <...> Criminal laws: Ulozhenie about punishment criminals and correction. <...> Mankov A.G. Ulozhenie of 1649 - legislative documents of centralised Russian state in XV-XVII centuries. <...> Neklydov N.A. The direction to an especial part of Russian criminal law. <...> Nurkaeva T. N. Crimes against the civil (personal) rights and freedom of the person: the Manual. - Ufa: Publishing house UJUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001. 7. <...> The domestic legislation of the XI-XX-ЭС МОЧЭЮrТОs. ., Jurist, 1999. 8. <...> Poyezzhalov V. B. Ugolovno – legal protection of honor and dignity of the personality. <...> Poyezzhalov V. B. Ugolovno – the legal analysis of slander and an insult: manual. <...> Pustorolev P.P. Iz from the lectures on an especial part of Russian criminal law. <...> The Russian legislation X - the XX-th centuries: in 9 . / ЮЧНОr ЭСО ОНТЭШrsСТЩ ШП O. I. CСТsЭУКФШЯК. : . <...> Talimonchik V.P. The problems of cancellation of criminal responsibility for a defamation // Black holes in the RussiaЧ lОРТslКЭТШЧ. 2008. № 2. 16. <...> Задача - изучить развитие уголовного законодательства о клевете до начала XX века Модель - в ходе работы были использованы общенаучный и системно-структурный подходы, исторические методы исследования, методы <...>