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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №6 2014


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Первый авторСеничева Ирина Сергеевна
АннотацияВ статье исследуются вопросы, связанные с особенностями обжалования в апелляционном порядке оправдательного приговора
Сеничева, И.С. 7.6. О НЕКОТОРЫХ ОСОБЕННОСТЯХ АПЕЛЛЯЦИОННОГО ОБЖАЛОВАНИЯ ОПРАВДАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРИГОВОРА / И.С. Сеничева // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 193-195 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571799 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ABOUT SOME FEATURES OF THE APPEAL JUDGMENT OF ACQUITTAL Senicheva Irina Sergeevna, postgraduate student. <...> Place of study: Academy of the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. <...> Department: chair of the Prosecutor's supervision over observance of laws in the operational-search activity and participation of the Prosecutor in criminal proceedings. <...> Place of employment: the Main criminal justice Directorate of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. <...> E-mail: isukhomlinova@list.ru Annotation: The article examines issues related to features of the appeal judgment of acquittal. <...> Adamaytis M. When examine witnesses on appeal [electronic resource] // the Russian justice. - 2003. - № 10. <...> Dikarev I.S. Apology revision in criminal proceedings [electronic resource] // the Russian justice. - 2012. - № 11. <...> Mashovets AO Features of the trial at the appeal proceedings in the criminal case // Gaps in Russian legislation. - 2013. - № 4; 4. <...> Palieva O.N. Appeal proceedings in the criminal trial of Russia: dis. . <...> Potapov V.D. Participation of the parties in the proceedings before the Court of Appeal // Gaps in Russian legislation. - 2011.- № 4; 6. <...> Churilov Y.Y. Actual problems of the decision of acquittal in the Russian criminal trial [electronic resource] / edited. <...> Churilov Y.Y. The acquittal in the Russian legal proceedings: dis. . <...>