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Проблемы экономики и юридической практики  / №6 2014


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Первый авторХорошун Никита Дмитриевич
АннотацияГлубокий экономический спад, вызванный последствиями глобального кризиса, поставил перед странами ЕС необходимость выработки новой стратегии, призванной обеспечить устойчивое развитие и конкурентоспособность европейской экономики. Целью данной статьи является системный обзор разработок в области устойчивого роста и оценка конкурентоспособности экономики стран ЕС в посткризисный период
Хорошун, Н.Д. 11.8. ПОВЫШЕНИЕ КОНКУРЕНТОСПОСОБНОСТИ КАК СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ ГЕОЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ СТРАН ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО СОЮЗА / Н.Д. Хорошун // Проблемы экономики и юридической практики .— 2014 .— №6 .— С. 142-146 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/570933 (дата обращения: 08.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The purpose of this paper is a systematic review of developments in the field of sustainable growth and competitiveness assessment of the economy of the EU countries in the postcrisis period. <...> A study of conceptual documents led to the conclusion that a new development strategy of the EU laid open method of coordination, in which shall be drawn up national programs. <...> Generalization and systematization of statistical data, the study revealed the official publications of the dynamics and trends of development of the EU economy and its competitiveness relative to other countries. <...> However, despite the growth, the EU economy is not competitive and lags behind the United States and other advanced economies in all four "smart" areas identified in the strategy "Europe 2020". <...> There is a significant gap in living standards between the EU and the US, which is constantly increasing and even more sharply after the financial and economic crisis of recent years. <...> While the EU is still superior to the United States to provide a broader and more sustainable growth, more accessible health services, the overall income inequality is lower, and the government is more effective in addressing the problems of poverty and inequality. <...> Significant gap in competitiveness between the observed and the EU member states. <...> North and North-West Europe have very high compared to the lagging countries of Southern Europe, Central and Eastern Europe. <...> This gap is particularly noticeable in innovation – one of the key factors of competitiveness for Europe. <...> Bridging the gap in competitiveness of the EU countries require differentiated strategies that take into account national and regional characteristics. <...> The Lisbon Review 2010: Towards a More Competitive Europe? [Electronic resource] / World Economic Forum. – 2010. – . 9. – Mode for access : https://members.weforum.org /pdf/Gcr/LisbonReview/ TheLisbonReview2010.pdf 9. <...> Gonda V. Prospects for implementation of the strategy "Europe 2020". – South-Russian Forum. ekonomika, sociology, political science, sotsialno-ekonomicheskaya geografiya.2014. <...> EUROPE 2020: A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth [Electronic resource] – Mode for access: http: //eunec.vlor.be / detail_bestanden / doc014% 20Europe% 202020.pdf 4. <...> Bordyashov E.S. Prospects for the implementation of the new development strategy of the European Union – "Europe 2020". – Journal of MGIMO-UnТvОrsТtв. 2012. № 3 (24). 108-112 5. <...> The Sterzhneva M.V., Prokhorenko I.L. Management of the economy in the European Union: institutional <...>