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Педагогические науки  / №6 (81) 2016


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Первый авторШарипова
АннотацияВ данной статье раскрыта степень влияния различных эффективных методик обучения на развитие системы образования, сделан анализ воздействия методологии на всестороннее оценивание и наиболее эффективное усвоение материала студентами, а также раскрыты потенциальные причины большой роли методики на улучшение системы обучения
Шарипова, М.Э. РОЛЬ ЭФФЕКТИВНЫХ МЕТОДОВ ОБУЧЕНИЯ В РАЗВИТИИ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ / М.Э. Шарипова // Педагогические науки .— 2016 .— №6 (81) .— С. 30-31 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/570800 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Э. (Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет имени Низами, Узбекистан) РОЛЬ ЭФФЕКТИВНЫХ МЕТОДОВ ОБУЧЕНИЯ В РАЗВИТИИ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В данной статье раскрыта степень влияния различных эффективных методик обучения на развитие системы образования, сделан анализ воздействия методологии на всестороннее оценивание и наиболее эффективное усвоение материала студентами, а также раскрыты потенциальные причины большой роли методики на улучшение системы обучения. <...> THE ROLE OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING METHODS IN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT Cognitive researches uncover that despite having good tutorials and number of traditional lessons, most students face a problem of not knowing the topic or having little understanding of material. <...> While it might be stated that mainly because of reading and listening students grasp the information and get successful grades in examinations, the careful insight shows that often their consideration is either limited or perverted. <...> A lot of students, especially those who study technical subjects usually remember main formulas and solutions to different issues without having a grasp of the concept or idea. <...> Therefore teachers in traditional education should pay more attention to the quality of students’ understanding rather than the quantity of presented material. <...> One of possible solutions to the problem is providing teachers with effective educational methods, which might make traditional lessons more interesting and present difficult concepts and theories in a way easier to comprehend. <...> Some kinds of effective methods are interactive teaching, spaced learning and clarification. <...> Each of these methods has its own benefits for both better understanding of the subject and development of education. <...> Spaced learning, for example, is the type of learning where the studying process is divided into limited breaks during which students or scholars may participate in different activities (mainly physical) in order to assimilate new information in the long-term memory. <...> This kind of educational method is useful not only for developing long-term memory of students, but also for making the teaching process more enthralling and unprecedented. <...> This teaching strategy is usually accepted positively by students because it breaks the banal traditional learning. <...> Using this method is going to make studying more exciting and intriguing, while its positive <...>