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Педагогические науки  / №6 (81) 2016


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Первый авторАбданбекова
АннотацияВ данной статье раскрывается большая роль фактора креативности на успешность и высокое качество преподавательского процесса, а также представлены различные вариации креативных идей в процессе преподавания
Абданбекова, Н.Р. КРЕАТИВНОСТЬ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ КАК ВАЖНЫЙ АСПЕКТ   ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬСКОГО ПРОЦЕССА / Н.Р. Абданбекова // Педагогические науки .— 2016 .— №6 (81) .— С. 10-11 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/570796 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Низами, Узбекистан) КРЕАТИВНОСТЬ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ КАК ВАЖНЫЙ АСПЕКТ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬСКОГО ПРОЦЕССА В данной статье раскрывается большая роль фактора креативности на успешность и высокое качество преподавательского процесса, а также представлены различные вариации креативных идей в процессе преподавания. <...> CREATIVITY OF TEACHERS AS AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF TEACHING PROCESS The value of knowing a set of particular skills is not appreciated as high in the modern world full of innovations as it once was, and the real skill preparing students to the future life turns out to be creativity (or adaptability). <...> Being creative is demanded nowadays not only from musicians or artists, but from almost every person. <...> The creativity of teachers and their teaching methods play a crucial part in developing innovative thinking in students. <...> Implementing various formats of teaching and deviation from traditional teaching makes students encouraged as the lessons get more unpredictable. <...> The manner how students react to studies, whether they feel boredom or extremely exciting, is in hands of a teacher. <...> Another question is how creativity could be implemented in teaching process in classroom in a way to boost not only the interest of students, but also the easy assimilation of the material. <...> There are several ways to reach those targets. <...> First of all, teachers should try to add some new and unprecedented aspects into teaching process because teaching in the same way for all the time makes lessons predictable and boring, which does not develop creativity of students in any way. <...> For example, teachers should not limit the formats of assignments in teaching process. <...> Two similar students with similar classes may get different marks for assignments just because one is a way better writer than another one. <...> Allowing different formats is like allowing students use their talents in making their own creation, which would enable more possibilities to cope with a task and a lot more investment in it. <...> Being able to use properly modern devices and technologies is becoming more important, and teachers may help their students in both studying the subject and learning how to cooperate through tech. <...> For instance, teachers can use Google maps while teaching history or geography, which will <...>