Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 637401)
Проблемы экономики и юридической практики  / №4 2015


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Первый авторРешетов Константин Юрьевич
АннотацияЦель написания банной исследовательской работы - проанализировать сущность конкурентного потенциала инновационных предпринимательских структур, а также провести оценку факторов и условий, влияющих на его формирование
Решетов, К.Ю. 14.1. ФАКТОРЫ И УСЛОВИЯ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ КОНКУРЕНТНОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСКИХ СТРУКТУР / К.Ю. Решетов // Проблемы экономики и юридической практики .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 151-156 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/570572 (дата обращения: 04.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Position: Professor of chair of the economy and management of the organization Work place: National Institute of Business konstantvip@yandex.ru Annotation: The purpose of writing this research work is to analyze the essence of the competitive potential of innovative business entities, as well as to assess the factors and conditions influencing its formation. <...> The results of the study are the findings about the nature of the competitive potential of innovative business entities, as well as systematization of the conditions and factors influencing its formation. <...> This work can be useful to researchers, employees of higher education, students, postgraduate students and representatives of the business community, in particular those dealing with innovative entrepreneurship. <...> Liaraz M. Effective Strategies for Business Managers (Kindle Edition). – Liraz Publishing, 2013. 21. <...> Management: Golden Nugget Methods to Manage Effectively – Teams, Personnel Management, Management Skills, and Conflict Resolution. <...> The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford Paperback Reference). – Oxford University Press, 2008. 24. <...> Gavrilov A.V. Management of competitiveness: some methodological aspects // JШЮЫЧКХ ШП ВЮRSTU (NPI). 2009. № 1. <...> Golikova G.V., Sheina J.V. An integrated approach to evaluating the effectiveness of socio-economic systems // Modern economy: ЩЫШЛХОЦЬ КЧН ЬШХЮЭТШЧЬ. 2010. № 4 (4). <...> Mostovaya Y.V. The formation mechanism of assessing the competitive potential of enterprises of the shipbuilding and shiprepairing industry // Journal of ASTU. <...> Perminova O.M. The essence of innovative educational potential and its role in business management state University // The real sector of economy: theory and ЩЫКМЭТМО ШП ЦКЧКРОЦОЧЭ. 2006. № 2. <...> Ramazanova I.M. Basic concepts and principles of management of shareholder value of companies // Journal of KSAU. 2011. № 3 (17). <...> Reshetov K.Y. Enterprising structures and competition: foundaЭТШЧ ШП ЩЫШЛХОЦ // BЮЬТЧОЬЬ ТЧ ХКа. 2012. № 3. <...> Reshetov K.Y. Principles of ensuring the competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures on the macro-, meso – and micro-levels // BЮЬТЧОЬЬ ТЧ ХКа. 2012. № 6. <...> Seliverstov S. N. Innovative development – the basis for a new economic model // The region's economy: an innovative way of development. <...> Liaraz M. Effective Strategies for Business Managers (Kindle Edition). – Liraz Publishing, 2013. 21. <...> Management: Golden Nugget Methods to Manage Effectively – Teams, Personnel Management, Management Skills, and Conflict Resolution <...>