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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №4 2016


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Первый авторУстинова Валентина Владимировна
АннотацияЗадача - анализ взаимодействия частных и публичных начал в сфере правового регулирования контрактной системы в сфере закупок товаров, работ, услуг для обеспечения нужд органов внутренних дел Российской Федерации, разрешение отдельных вопросов соотношения теории и практики применения норм права, регулирующих сферу государственных закупок Модель - использование общих и частных методов научного познания, изучение опыта органов внутренних дел в сфере госзаказа, анализ основных причин реализации описанных рисков в сфере закупок для нужд органов внутренних дел. Выводы - обозначено понятие «минимизация риска», названы основные причины реализации описанных рисков в сфере закупок для нужд органов внутренних дел. Предложены меры, которые в отдельности или в совокупности могут способствовать минимизации гражданско-правовых рисков.
Устинова, В.В. МИНИМИЗАЦИЯ РИСКОВ ПРИ ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ КОНТРАКТОВ В СФЕРЕ ЗАКУПОК ДЛЯ НУЖД ОРГАНОВ ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ / В.В. Устинова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2016 .— №4 .— С. 119-123 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/563325 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

MINIMIZATION OF RISKS IN THE AWARDING OF PUBLIC CONTRACTS IN THE FIELD OF PROCUREMENT FOR NEEDS OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES Ustinova Valentina Vladimirovna. <...> Place of employment: Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia named after I. D. Putilin. <...> Email: Valentina-ustinova91@rambler.ru Annotation Task - the analysis of the interaction of private and public principles in the sphere of legal regulation of the contract system in procurement of goods, works, services for needs of internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the resolution of the individual issues of the relation of theory and practice of application of the law governing public procurement. <...> Model - the use of General and specific methods of scientific cognition, the study of the experience of the internal Affairs bodies in the sphere of public procurement, analysis of the main reasons for the implementation of the described risks in the field of procurement for needs of internal Affairs bodies. <...> Findings indicated the concept of "risk minimization", named the main reasons of realization of the described risks in the field of procurement for needs of internal Affairs bodies. <...> The proposed measures, which, singly or in combination may help to minimize the civil and legal risks. <...> Research framework – possible to use the result of the specified operation for both further research with civil-law position of theory and practice in law, for the first time it is proposed to consider issues related to the application and implementation of existing legislation on the system of internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. <...> Practical implications – in this study, the proposed measures, which, singly or in combination may help to minimize the civil and legal risks both from customers and from the counterparties, which are numerous natural and legal persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities. <...> Social implications – the sphere of the state order today is quite relevant. <...> Budget savings is one of the main goals, objectives, both the state and society as a whole. <...> After studying and realizing all the possible ways of minimizing the civil-law risks in the field of public procurement, it seems possible the achievement of that goal. <...> Originality/value – the rule of law, regulating relations in the sphere of public procurement for state and municipal needs, is introduced and applied in the territory of the Russian Federation on the one hand, a short amount of time (since 2014), on the other hand, sufficient in order to 119 4'2016     analyze and determine deficiencies, examining the elements of civil legal risks <...>