2016/№1(40) в помощь тренеру ПСИХОЛОГО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ МОТИВАЦИИ ДОСТИЖЕНИЙ У ТУНИССКИХ ФУТБОЛИСТОВ 16-17 ЛЕТ Хафедх Айед – аспирант кафедры психологии РГУФКСМиТ 37.015.3:796.332 Ключевые слова: мотивация спортивной деятельности, мотивация спортивных достижений в футболе, оптимизация, методы управления мотивацией. <...> Keywords: motivation of sports activity, optimal motivation sporting achievements in football management factors motivation. <...> В работе продемонстрованы роль мотивации в футболе. <...> Мы располагаем тремя методами оптимизаця уровень мотиваця у тунисских футболистов и проанализируем эффективности методы. <...> Introduction: Development of motivation is one of the major challenges for modern football, currently the successes in this sport not only depends of the high level of physical, technical and tactical training football players, but also on their level of motivation to achieve high results. <...> Problematic: We dispose of three methods to optimize the motivational level of Tunisian football players which we do not know yet their effectiveness and their impact. <...> Objectives: our experimental study is a comparative analysis of methods to increase the motivation of achievement for Tunisian players between 16-17 years. <...> Methods: The study was conducted between January 2013 and June 2013 based on these football clubs: « Etoile sportive du Sahel (ESS) » (Tunisia, Sousse) with which we used The method of development of concurrence, « Espйrance sportive de Tunis (EST) » (Tunisia, Tunis) with which we used the Method of psycho-training, "Club Africain (CA) » (Tunisia, Tunis) with which we used the Method of individual counseling. <...> We also did some Pedagogical experiments and Tests of personality (test Ehlers "To assess the motivation to succeed" and "The motivation for avoiding failure"). <...> At the <...>