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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология  / №1 2011

Symposia during the 2nd International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance 24-27 November, 2011 (30,00 руб.)

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Аннотация2nd International Congress will take place in Thessaloniki Greece in All relevant information concerning the congress are available at http://www.psychiatry.gr and the site is continuously updated. The congress is organized by the International Society on Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology (ISNP), the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) and is Under the ofi cfial auspices of the School of Medicine Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Hellenic Psychiatric Association (HPA), the Psychiatric Association for Eastern Europe and the Balkans (PAEEB) and the World Association for Social Psychiatry (WASP)
Symposia during the 2nd International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance 24-27 November, 2011 // Психиатрия, психотерапия и клиническая психология .— 2011 .— №1 .— С. 159-159 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/497469 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024)

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