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Вопросы филологических наук  / №2 2013


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Первый авторАлмаммадова
АннотацияВ связи с развитием общества словарный состав языка постоянно меняется, обновляется и обогащается. Наблюдаемые в различных сферах новшества адекватно отражаются на важнейшем атрибуте общества-языке, становятся причиной возникновения лексических единиц, обозначающих новые понятия. В статье исследуется влияние развития различных сфер общества на обогащение терминологии и возникновение новых терминов и словосочетаний термин-слов, для более точного обозначения понятий, возникающих в азербайджанском языке
Алмаммадова, С.М. ЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ПОНЯТИЕ ТЕРМИНА / С.М. Алмаммадова // Вопросы филологических наук .— 2013 .— №2 .— С. 40-43 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/497083 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

М., доктор философии, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Азербайджанского технического университета ЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ПОНЯТИЕ ТЕРМИНА В связи с развитием общества словарный состав языка постоянно меняется, обновляется и обогащается. <...> Ключевые слова: термин, язык, терминология, наука, семантика LOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF THE TERM The vocabulary of a language always changes in connection with the development of the society, it is renewed and becomes richer. <...> Every innovation observed at different fields causes to occurrence of lexical units serving to generation of the adequate reaction at the language being one of the organic attributes of the society according to this innovation, naming new notions and concepts occurred in connection with progress. <...> This process shows itself at different times and at the separate areas of the earth and it is reflected at the language facts of the different languages. <...> Key words: term, language, terminology, science, semantic The terms differ from other word groups by their expression and meaning, utilization opportunities, role of the language in different stylistic areas, the level of understanding of the language carriers. <...> Though that there are different ideas about the term and its essence in the linguistics, there are the problems that wait for solution, because, understood every new notion and concept shall be named by certain language units. <...> So, special naming (nomination) is realized in the terminological area in the process of expression of different scientific technical notions and concepts by terms and appointment of the terms according to their essence, because the meaning of terms is limited by the system of certain scientific-technical knowledge and its meaning is determined in he system of scientific-technical knowledge that they concern. <...> Just the terms in the system of this knowledge serve to naming of notions, processes and events and etc. and marking them by language units having nominative character. <...> M.Gasimov wrote: “The function of naming the function of the term from the linguistic point of view may be determines as the nominative function. <...> The terms call the things, processes, the events of objective reality and notions about them. <...> The terms implement this function like words, but besides, the term appoints the notion from logistic point of view either. <...> That is to say that the relation as notion-essence, notion-concept shows itself in the terminological system. <...> Notions are the element of thought and the means of understanding of the matter and reflect <...>