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Актуальные проблемы современной науки  / №4 (83) 2015


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Первый авторСтароконь
АвторыКосмачев К.А.
АннотацияВ статье рассматривается особенности процессов коррозии для опорных блоков морских стационарных платформ. Предлагается коррозионные дефекты рассматривать как концентраторы напряжений, изменяющих напряженное состояние элементов опорного блока и характеризуемых величиной коэффициента концентрации напряжений (К).
Староконь, И.В. О ВЛИЯНИИ КОРРОЗИОННОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА РАЗВИТИЕ УСТАЛОСТНЫХ ТРЕЩИН НА МОРСКИХ НЕФТЕГАЗОВЫХ СООРУЖЕНИЯХ / И.В. Староконь, К.А. Космачев // Актуальные проблемы современной науки .— 2015 .— №4 (83) .— С. 163-166 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/488908 (дата обращения: 01.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ABOUT IMPACT OF CORROSION ON THE PROGRESS OF FATIGUE CRACKS IN THE OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS Aggressive sea water environment, which is typical for operating conditions of offshore structures, is caused metal corrosion. <...> In the presence of stresses, caused by different loads, corrosive effect leads to the formation and development of cracks on offshore structures that could lead to the destruction or leakage with subsequent flooding of the entire structure. <...> In this article we will focus on corrosion fatigue of offshore structures and influence of this phenomenon on the redistribution of stresses in components of offshore constructions. <...> Problem of fatigue failure offshore oil and gas structures was studied by both domestic and foreign authors. <...> Corrosion in sea deposits has its own specific characteristics and depends on various factors. <...> With increasing of temperature increases the rate of galvanic corrosion that is caused by occurrence of difference thermogalvanic pairs due to the difference of temperature of individual sections of the same structural element MNGS [4]. <...> Heated under the influence of solar radiation to a higher temperature, surface plot of constructive elements of offshore oil and gas structures transformed to anode is subjected to a more intense corrosive wear in contrast to underwater areas with small temperature differences in structural elements [4]. <...> According to Professor Borodavkin P.P., sea currents have a significant influence on corrosion processes of offshore oil and gas structures [1]. <...> They constantly deliver new corrosive elements (e.g, saturated salt water), which has not yet reacted, to the already corroded areas of structural elements of offshore oil and gas constructions, thereby repeatedly increasing corrosion. <...> Corrosion processes occur most intensively in areas of paint damage or other insulating material, as shown by analysis of the reports of inspection surveys offshore platforms. <...> Poor adhesion refinishing or its complete absence led to serious corrosion damage even in the presence of existing ECP systems. <...> However, in the 165 Актуальные проблемы современной науки, № 4, 2015 researching process of corrosive effect on the stress state of the offshore construction author is invited to refer to the classical theory of fracture mechanics. <...> It is quite obvious that a significant impact on the change of stress state <...>