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Евразийский онкологический журнал  / №1 2016

Result of surgical treatment of pituitary tumor apoplexy: strategies and results in a series of 89 consecutive patients (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторAzizov
АннотацияObjective: apoplexy in pituitary tumor, resulting from the acute hemorrhage or infarction mainly in pituitary adenomas, is a rare yet major clinical event with neurological, ophthalmological and hormonal urgent consequences. Teh authors describe their surgical experience with a series of 89 cases of pituitary apoplexy Methods: the 230 patients with pituitary tumor operated via transsphenoidal approach in our hospital between 2005–2015 and 89 cases with pituitary apoplexy were retrospectively analyzed. Teh indications for urgent transsphenoidal surgery were as follows: mental deterioration, rapid visual loss and pituitary insufifciency. Results: the mean age of patients (39 male and 50 female) was 38 years. Pituitary apoplexy occurred as an initial manifestation of pituitary adenoma in all patients. Headache was the most common presenting symptom (88.7%). Visual disturbance was found in 49.4% of patients. 39.3% of the patients had hypopituitarism. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this catastrophic event accompanied with macroadenoma in a mean size of 26.5 mm. Conclusion: the difefrential approach based on the account of features of a clinical case, possible increase already available pathologic infringements and high level of technics of operative intervention is a basis for favorable results of treatment at pituitary adenomas.
Azizov, M. Result of surgical treatment of pituitary tumor apoplexy: strategies and results in a series of 89 consecutive patients / M. Azizov // Евразийский онкологический журнал .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 49-55 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/478002 (дата обращения: 18.09.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Республиканский научный центр экстренной медицинской помощи, Ташкент, Узбекистан Result of surgical treatment of pituitary tumor apoplexy: strategies and results in a series of 89 consecutive patients Результаты хирургического лечения аденом гипофиза, осложненных питуитарной апоплексией: стратегия и результаты лечения в группе из 89 пациентов __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Objective: apoplexy in pituitary tumor, resulting from the acute hemorrhage or infarction mainly in pituitary adenomas, is a rare yet major clinical event with neurological, ophthalmological and hormonal urgent consequences. <...> Methods: the 230 patients with pituitary tumor operated via transsphenoidal approach in our hospital between 2005–2015 and 89 cases with pituitary apoplexy were retrospectively analyzed. <...> The indications for urgent transsphenoidal surgery were as follows: mental deterioration, rapid visual loss and pituitary insufficiency. <...> Results: the mean age of patients (39 male and 50 female) was 38 years. <...> Pituitary apoplexy occurred as an initial manifestation of pituitary adenoma in all patients. <...> Headache was the most common presenting symptom (88.7%). <...> Visual disturbance was found in 49.4% of patients. 39.3% of the patients had hypopituitarism. <...> On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this catastrophic event accompanied with macroadenoma in a mean size of 26.5 mm. Conclusion: the differential approach based on the account of features of a clinical case, possible increase already available pathologic infringements and high level of technics of operative intervention is a basis for favorable results of treatment at pituitary adenomas. <...> Показаниями к экстренной транссфеноидальной аденомэктомии являлись: нарушения сознания, прогрессивное снижение зрения и развитие гипофизарной недостаточности. «Евразийский онкологический журнал», 2016, том 4, № 1 49 Result of surgical treatment of pituitary tumor apoplexy: strategies and results in a series of 89 consecutive patients Результаты: средний возраст пациентов (39 женщин и 50 мужчин) составил 38 лет. <...> The PA is potentially a life threatening pathology when the hemorrhage and/or necrosis results to significant sudden increase in mass of the tumor [8, 9]. <...> The authors performed a retrospective analysis to evaluate clinical presentation, postoperative courses, and pathological findings in a series of patients surgically treated for symptomatic pituitary apoplexy during last 10 <...>