Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634928)
Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Метод  / №1 2014


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АннотацияAlker H.R., jr. A typology of ecological fallacies // Quantitative ecological analysis in the social sciences. – Cambridge: M.I.T. press, 1969. – P. 69–86
ХЕЙУАРД РОУЗ АЛКЕР-МЛ. ИЗБРАННАЯ БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ // Метод .— 2014 .— №1 .— С. 314-316 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/476697 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ИЗБРАННАЯ БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ На английском языке Alker H.R., jr. A typology of ecological fallacies // Quantitative ecological analysis in the social sciences. – Cambridge: M.I.T. press, 1969. – P. 69–86. <...> Alker H.R., jr., Bloomfield L.P., Choucri N. Analyzing global interdependence. – Cambridge: Massachusetts institute of technology, Center for international studies, 1974. – 4 Vol. Alker H.R., jr. Causal inference and political analysis // Mathematical applications in political science. – Dallas: SMU press, 1966. – 2. – P. 3–43. <...> Alker H.R., jr. Challenging boundaries: Global flows, territorial identities. – Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota press, 1996. – 493 p. <...> Alker H.R., jr. Designing information resources for transboundary conflict early warning networks // Digital formations: IT and new architectures in the global realm. – Princeton: Princeton univ. press, 2009. – P. 215–241. <...> Alker H.R., jr. Emancipation in the critical security studies project // Critical security studies and world politics. – L.: Lynne Rienner, 2005. – P. 189–214. <...> Alker H.R., jr. Emancipatory empiricism: Toward the renewal of empirical peace research // Peace research: Achievements and challenges. – L.: Westview, 1988. – P. 219–241. <...> Alker H.R., jr., Christensen C. From causal modeling to artificial intelligence: the evolution of a un peace-making simulation // Experimentation and simulation in political science. – Toronto: Univ. of Toronto press, 1972. – P. 177–224. <...> Alker H.R., jr. If not Huntington's «Civilizations,» then whose? // Review (Fernand Braudel center). – Binghamton: Fernand Braudel center for the study of economies, historical systems, and civilizations, 1995. – Vol. 18, N 4. – P. 533–562. 314 Хейуард Роуз Алкер-мл. <...> Избранная библиография Alker H.R., jr., Russett B.M. Indices for comparing inequality // Comparing nations. – New Haven: Yale univ. press, 1966. – P. 349–372. <...> Hayashi C., Kuroda Y., Alker H.R., jr. Japanese culture in comparative perspective. – Westport: Praeger, 1997. – 215 p. <...> Alker H.R., jr. Journeys through conflict: narratives and lessons. – Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2001 <...>