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Рецепт  / №3 2016

Study of problematic aspects of homeopathic medicinal products compounding in the pharmacies (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторTolochko
АвторыVakulenko D.
АннотацияThis article presents the results of study of problematic aspects of the organization of homeopathic medicinal products (HoMP) compounding in the pharmacies by studying the distribution of the formulation during the working day. Significant fluctuations in its index have been determined for extemporaneous compounding of HoMP according to individual prescriptions and for intrapharmacy compounding according to frequent prescriptions. It was found that within these conditions, the workload on the employees of homeopathic pharmacies (departments) also varies a lot, making it dififcult to use common approaches to logistics and stafifng of the production function of homeopathic pharmacies (departments) depending on the time expenditures for individual production processes. The lines of the further researches for the justification of production processes standardization have been established in order to eliminate the identified problematic aspects of HoMP compounding in the homeopathic pharmacies (departments).
Tolochko, V. Study of problematic aspects of homeopathic medicinal products compounding in the pharmacies / V. Tolochko, D. Vakulenko // Рецепт .— 2016 .— №3 .— С. 21-27 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/475953 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Современная аптека УДК 615.015.32 Tolochko V., Vakulenko D. National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Толочко В. <...> Национальный фармацевтический университет, Харьков, Украина Study of problematic aspects of homeopathic medicinal products compounding in the pharmacies Исследование проблемных аспектов изготовления гомеопатических лекарственных средств в условиях аптек ______________________ Abstract __________________________________________________________________________ This article presents the results of study of problematic aspects of the organization of homeopathic medicinal products (HoMP) compounding in the pharmacies by studying the distribution of the formulation during the working day. <...> Significant fluctuations in its index have been determined for extemporaneous compounding of HoMP according to individual prescriptions and for intrapharmacy compounding according to frequent prescriptions. <...> It was found that within these conditions, the workload on the employees of homeopathic pharmacies (departments) also varies a lot, making it difficult to use common approaches to logistics and staffing of the production function of homeopathic pharmacies (departments) depending on the time expenditures for individual production processes. <...> The lines of the further researches for the justification of production processes standardization have been established in order to eliminate the identified problematic aspects of HoMP compounding in the homeopathic pharmacies (departments). <...> Keywords: homeopathic pharmacies (departments), homeopathic medicinal products, production function, formulation, standardization. ______________________ Резюме __________________________________________________________________________ В настоящем сообщении представлены результаты исследования проблемных аспектов организации изготовления гомеопатических лекарственных средств (ГоЛС) в условиях аптек путем изучения распределения рецептуры в течении рабочего дня. <...> Ключевые слова: гомеопатические аптеки (отделы), гомеопатические лекарственные средства, производственная функция, рецептура, стандартизация. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ „ INTRODUCTION The current state of pharmaceutical companies operation, the increase of the quality requirements to medical provision of the population, the introduction of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP), changes in the system of pharmacy specialists training make the study of production processes necessary in order to improve the division of pharmacy specialists, to find ways to improve the medicinal products compounding in the pharmacies. <...> Our studies have confirmed the advisability of homeopathic medicinal products (HoMP) compounding in the pharmacies, including extemporaneous ones according to individual prescriptions and intrapharmacy compounding according to frequent prescriptions. <...> It has been also found that the population has positive attitude towards them, and there is a need to expand <...>