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Горный журнал Казахстана  / №4 2015


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Первый авторZinke
АвторыStolpovskikh I.N., Markova L.N., Abshayakov Y.
АннотацияВ статье описаны способы и приемы устройства транспортных карьерных дорог для автосамосвалов большой грузоподъемности. Обосновано влияние состояния карьерных дорог на изменение коэффициента сопротивления движению автосамосвалов. Приведены результаты исследований влияния водоотводящих устройств на долговечность и эффективность дорог. Разработанные рекомендации могут быть использованы работниками проектных и научно-исследовательских институтов, промышленных предприятий и организаций, занятых проектированием и эксплуатацией карьерных транспортных дорог для большегрузных автосамосвалов.
PROJECTION, ARRANGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF PIT HAUL TRANSPORT ROADS FOR HEAVY DUMP TRUKS / H.-P. Zinke [и др.] // Горный журнал Казахстана .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 28-34 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/456898 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

24 UDC 622.6.002.5 Н.-P. Zinke1 I.N. Stolpovskikh2 , Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor of GiMMiO, ivanstol@rambler.ru L.N. Markova2 Y. Abshayakov2 1 , corresponding author, 89eldar@list.ru LLP «GAYEL Kazakhstan» (Germany, Hamburg), 2Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (Kazakhstan, Almaty) PROJECTION, ARRANGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF PIT HAUL TRANSPORT ROADS FOR HEAVY DUMP TRUKS Мақалада жүккөтерілімдігі жоғары автотүсіргіштерге арналған карьердің тасымалдау жолдарының құрылғысының тәсілдері көрсетілген. <...> This article describes the methods and techniques of the device transport pit roads for heavy-duty dump trucks. <...> Key words: open pit road transport, dump, rolling resistance, deepening ruts. <...> Pit haul roads are main components of an opencast mining technological links. <...> Evidently, such cycle is impossible without pit roads (pic. 1). <...> The pit haul roads differ from general-purpose roads in that it is relatively small in length, has complex track profile and plan with significant slopes, frequent turns with small radius of curves, high traffic and relatively small exploitation life. <...> The pit haul roads must meet the basic requirements such as a having simple construction, being cheap, durable, wear-resistant and smooth allowing the movement of vehicles at high speeds with minimal tire wear. <...> One of the basic tasks of open pit mine employees is the construction and ongoing maintenance of mining roads. <...> The recommendation can be used by employees of design and research institutes, industrial enterprises and organizations engaged in the design and operation of quarry traffic roads for heavy trucks. <...> Горные машины 25 Rolling Resistance The rolling resistance is should be taken as follows for dump trucks with radial tires, which is always suitable than tires with diagonal arrangement of cords in the frame: ● 1,5% for solid, well-served roads with a constant slope; ● 3% well-served roads with restrained curves; ● 4% for roads with 25 mm tire track recess ● 5% for roads with 50 mm tire track recess; ● 8% for roads with 100 mm tire track <...>