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Первый авторBartashova
АннотацияThe article is dedicated to the problem of phonosemantic elements in the lexis functioning in languages for special purposes. The concern about inoccurence of phonosemantic words suggests the idea of their limited use and, in particular, their limited performance only in expressive layers of the language. The heuristic potential of phonosemantics gives the ground for hypothesizing the existence of this phenomenon in subsystems standing far from the expressiveness – in terminology which constitutes the core of the language for special purposes, and in the sphere of professional jargons.
УДК811. 51
Bartashova, O.A. Phonosemantics in the Language for Special Purposes / O.A. Bartashova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №3 .— С. 64-70 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/449995 (дата обращения: 24.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2016 9) 588-594 ~ ~ ~ УДК 811. 51 Phonosemantics in the Language for Special Purposes Olga A. Bartashova* St. Petersburg State University of Economics 30/32 Nab. kanala Griboedova, St. Petersburg, 191023, Russia Received 13.02.2016, received in revised form 27.02.2016, accepted 01.03.2016 The article is dedicated to the problem of phonosemantic elements in the lexis functioning in languages for special purposes. <...> The concern about inoccurence of phonosemantic words suggests the idea of their limited use and, in particular, their limited performance only in expressive layers of the language. <...> The heuristic potential of phonosemantics gives the ground for hypothesizing the existence of this phenomenon in subsystems standing far from the expressiveness – in terminology which constitutes the core of the language for special purposes, and in the sphere of professional jargons. <...> Keywords: phonosemantics, sound-imitative lexis, sound-symbolic lexis, sound metaphor, terminology, professional jargon, professional sublanguage, interpretation of term neutrality. <...> The language for special purposes is commonly associated with the research on the means of sublanguage has been analyzed Any professional sublanguage can be described as a fi eld-structure. <...> As a rule, it has a core which consists of different terms, denoting special concepts. <...> Apart from a set of terms, professional sublanguage also includes professional the professional sublanguage presents a onomasiologo-semasiological jargon which can be referred to the periphery. <...> The professional as a complex of terminological means used in texts of the certain professional fi eld (Leichik, 2009). © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: bartashova_o@mail.ru # 588 # two-level system, the sub-level of which includes codifi ed elements, actualized by terms, and the super-level is constituted by non-codifi ed lexis, represented by professional jargon. <...> Phonosemantics in the Language for Special Purposes this phenomenon and terminology is built, on the one hand, by quasi-incompatibility of the expressive and fi gured character of phonosemantically charged lexis (soundimitative and sound-symbolic words), and, on the other – by a neutral stability of the term. <...> That is the reason why the problem of identifi cation of imitative features in terminology naturally complements the list of phonosemantic researches and can prove the basic idea of this linguistic branch about quite a notable existence of imitative words in the language system. <...> To perceive this fact and analyse the whole <...>