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Журнал структурной химии  / №5 2016


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Первый авторGhadermazi
АннотацияThe new mixed-ligand complex of [Tl(Ph2phen)Cl3(DMSO)] (1) is obtained from the reaction of TlCl3*4H2O with 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (Ph2phen) in a methanol solution. Suitable crystals of 1 are obtained for the X-ray diffraction measurement by methanol diffusion into a DMSO solution. This complex is characterized by spectral methods (IR, UV-Vis, 1H NMR, and luminescence), elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG, DTA), and single crystal X-ray diffraction.
Ghadermazi, M. CHARACTERIZATION, LUMINESCENT PROPERTIES, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DETERMINATION, AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF [TL(PH2PHEN)CL3(DMSO)] / M. Ghadermazi // Журнал структурной химии .— 2016 .— №5 .— С. 130-135 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/449652 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

2016.  57,  5      –  UDC 548.73:547.13:546.683 CHARACTERIZATION, LUMINESCENT PROPERTIES, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DETERMINATION, AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF [Tl(Ph2phen)Cl3(DMSO)] M. Ghadermazi Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran E-mail: mghadermazi@yahoo.com Received February, 24, 2015 The new mixed-ligand complex of [Tl(Ph2phen)Cl3(DMSO)] (1) is obtained from the reaction of TlCl3 4H2O with 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (Ph2phen) in a methanol solution. <...> Suitable crystals of 1 are obtained for the X-ray diffraction measurement by methanol diffusion into a DMSO solution. <...> This complex is characterized by spectral methods (IR, UV-Vis, 1H NMR, and luminescence), elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG, DTA), and single crystal X-ray diffraction. <...> INTRODUCTION Tl+ is a stable ion and coordination compounds of both cations have been studied [ 1—4]. <...> The thallium(III) cation with the spherical symmetry of electron shells (d10) is a hard acid [ 5 ]. <...> Strongly bonded coordination compounds are formed by thallium(III) with hard donor atoms such as N and O atoms. <...> Several thallium(III) complexes with N and O donor ligands were reported and characterized by spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction [ 6—13]. <...> Transition metal complexes of Ph2phen are interesting owing to their importance for the application in stable single-layer light-emitting electrochemical cells (LEECs) [ 26, 27 ], luminescence and electroluminescence [ 25, 28 ], and the enhanced interaction of metal complexes with DNA [ 29, 30 ]. <...> We report herein the synthesis, characterization, and crystal structure of a new thallium(III) mixed-ligand complex with chloride, dimethyl sulfoxide, and 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline. <...> However, EXPERIMENTAL Materials and physical methods. 4,7-Diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline and TlCl34H2O were purchased from Aldrich (Taufkirchen, Germany), and used as received. <...> NMR was recorded on a Bruker AC-300 spectrometer (Hьllhorst, Germany) for protons at 300.13 MHz in a DMSO-d6 solvent. <...> Elemental analysis was performed using a Heraeus CHN-O Rapid analyzer (Hanau, Germany). <...> UV-Vis spectra were recorded on a Shimadzu 2100 spectrometer using a 1 cm path length cell in DMSO at room temperature (Kyoto, Japan). <...> Luminescence spectra were recorded on a Perkin Elmer LS 45 using <...>