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Первый авторReznikova
АннотацияThis article features globalization in its two forms: natural globalization and artiёcial globalization. The need of natural globalization becomes more obvious taking into account the growth of challenge to the humankind. Artiёcial globalization nowadays is provided by westernization. Inяuence of globalization is more obvious at the mental than at the physical level, construction of the historical past and its mythologization played major roles in the course of globalization. Different relations between ideology and myth can be traced on the example of the destinies of two works, in which almost the same idea of the world order is represented. These are “The Oera Linda Book” and “The Snow Queen”. As a part of the study, seven invariants of the fairy tale by H.C. Andersen were analyzed. The carried-out analysis is based on a hypothesis that artiёcial globalization inяuences mythology of certain cultures, distorting it for own needs, resorting to different methods for different forms of the myth representation. So, myths in their pure form, demanded by the adult representatives of culture, are subjected to criticism, they are charged of falsiёcation. The ultimate goal of such an inяuence is to bury the myth in oblivion as false. The myth that is represented in the reduced art form for children’s audience has the changed plot basis and in this new form it is subjected to maximum replication to substitute the original version in a period of time.
Reznikova, K.V. “The Oera Linda Book” and “The Snow Queen”: Two Destinies of One Myth / K.V. Reznikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №1 .— С. 149-174 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446060 (дата обращения: 24.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2015 8) 149-174 ~ ~ ~ УДК 304.444 “The Oera Linda Book” and “The Snow Queen”: Two Destinies of One Myth Ksenia V. Reznikova* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 12.08.2014, received in revised form 04.11.2014, accepted 11.12.2014 This article features globalization in its two forms: natural globalization and artifi cial globalization. <...> The need of natural globalization becomes more obvious taking into account the growth of challenge to the humankind. <...> Infl uence of globalization is more obvious at the mental than at the physical level, construction of the historical past and its mythologization played major roles in the course of globalization. <...> Different relations between ideology and myth can be traced on the example of the destinies of two works, in which almost the same idea of the world order is represented. <...> These are “The Oera Linda Book” and “The Snow Queen”. <...> As a part of the study, seven invariants of the fairy tale by H.C. Andersen were analyzed. <...> The carried-out analysis is based on a hypothesis that artifi cial globalization infl uences mythology of certain cultures, distorting it for own needs, resorting to different methods for different forms of the myth representation. <...> So, myths in their pure form, demanded by the adult representatives of culture, are subjected to criticism, they are charged of falsifi cation. <...> The ultimate goal of such an infl uence is to bury the myth in oblivion as false. <...> The myth that is represented in the reduced art form for children’s audience has the changed plot basis and in this new form it is subjected to maximum replication to substitute the original version in a period of time. <...> During the history of presence of the humankind two different tendencies can be traced: on the one hand – the tendency to combination, unifi cation and homogenization into the integrated system, on the other hand – nursing of uniqueness and individuality. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: axu-ta@mail.ru # 149 # peoples had their own religions and cults. <...> They were subjected to reinforced latinization: i.e. cults, alien to the Roman were syncretically reinterpreted and were joined in with the Roman state religion” (Wirth, 2007: 282). <...> Nevertheless, there is another, democratic tendency that implied unifi <...>