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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №1 2015

The Semantics of Russian Life at the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language: Linguistic and Methodological Aspects (a Case Study) (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторTarasenko
АннотацияThis article is dedicated to the semantics of Russian life through the situation of alcohol drinking, and analysis of the linguistic aspect of the situation of alcohol drinking, the technique of studying the situation at the lessons of Russian as the foreigner language.The material used was the stories, plays by A.P. Chekhov.
Tarasenko, T.V. The Semantics of Russian Life at the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language: Linguistic and Methodological Aspects (a Case Study) / T.V. Tarasenko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №1 .— С. 83-90 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446053 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2015 8) 83-90 ~ ~ ~ УДК 811.161.1:81`37 The Semantics of Russian Life at the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language: Linguistic and Methodological Aspects (a Case Study) Tatiana V. Tarasenko* Siberian State Aerospace University 31 Krasnoyarskii rabochii, Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russia Received 06.10.2014, received in revised form 11.11.2014, accepted 21.12.2014 This article is dedicated to the semantics of Russian life through the situation of alcohol drinking, and analysis of the linguistic aspect of the situation of alcohol drinking, the technique of studying the situation at the lessons of Russian as the foreigner language. <...> The material used was the stories, plays by A.P. Chekhov. <...> Keywords: situation, semantic, A.P. Chekov plays, everyday life, lessons of Russian as the foreigner language. <...> Everyday considered by life Introduction as a philosophers category than is often linguists, because it is an essential characteristic of the human existence. <...> Study of foreign languages begins from learning a surrounding everyday life on the lexical level. <...> From our point of view, we should study the life and culture not only in terms of vocabulary (lexis), but also in terms of semantics. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: tvt2004@mail.ru # 83 # of another language’s native speaker through the prism of semantic situation, allows us to look at the current life and its refl ection in the language from different perspective. <...> As the part of the semantic approach to the language, examination and reconstruction of the linguistic picture of the world is carried out by describing such unit as a semantic situation, because various elements of extra-linguistic reality are refl ected in it. <...> Postulating the correlation and mutual infl uence of language and culture, it is possible to think over the possibility of examine the phenomenon of the material culture in linguistics, Tatiana V. Tarasenko. <...> The Semantics of Russian Life at the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language: Linguistic… theory of translation and cultural linguistics. <...> Such phenomenon includes the situation of alcohol drinking or drinking alcoholic beverages. <...> Being an integral part of everyday life, alcohol drinking takes a special place in the national picture of the world. <...> One the one hand, our aim is to show the specifi c of the situation of alcohol drinking and its language representations in the different text types from linguistics position (semantic <...>