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Современные гуманитарные исследования  / №6 2013


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Первый авторАлимова
АннотацияВ статье рассматривается становление и развитие Интернета в Узбекистане, и место в нем социальных сетей. Автором выбран исследовательский анализ в контексте науки массовых коммуникаций, приведены многочисленные факты, примеры, отражающие специфику деятельности и функционирования социальных сетей, проводится сравнение публикаций различных по тематике, содержанию и популярности среди пользователей.
Алимова, Г.Б. К ВОПРОСУ О КОМПЕТЕНСТНОСТИ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ СЕТЕЙ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ / Г.Б. Алимова // Современные гуманитарные исследования .— 2013 .— №6 .— С. 53-56 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/438654 (дата обращения: 21.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ON THE COMPETITIVENESS OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN USBEKISTAN This article deals with the becoming and development of the Internet in Uzbekistan and the place of social networks in it. <...> Author selected exploratory analysis in the context of the science of mass communication, contains numerous facts, examples, which reflect the specification of activities and the functioning of social networks, a comparison of various publications on the subject, content and popularity among users. <...> Keywords: Internet, methods of communication, social networks, website, bookmarks, media market, the national domain, popularity. <...> Despite the fact that Uzbekistan was connected to the Internet in 1996, interest in social networking increased sharply at the beginning of the new millennium, before that connect to networks such as the www.fido.net, had several opportunities to individual organizations and individuals. <...> Today in Uzbekistan it is provided a wide access to information sources of state and government. <...> The number of online government services through information services, web sites of ministries and departments over the past 5 years has increased more than 2.8 times and amounted to more than 320. <...> In our opinion, the most pressing questions of the information space of Uzbekistan today are: the development of the national segment of the Internet, the completion of the media market in ser1 Information from www.olam.uz 2 Каримов И. <...> Выступление на открытии международной конференции «Подготовка образованного и интеллектуально развитого поколения – как важнейшее условие устойчивого развития и модернизации страны»/ 17 февраля 2012 г. // Сайт Национального информационного агентства Узбекистана (УзА) – www.uza.uz 53 Современные гуманитарные исследования, № 6, 2013 vices and goods of national development, attracting a national audience to the resources of the national domain, creating a complete picture of the national segment of preserving the unique cultural and linguistic identity, prevent the introduction of alien ideas and cultural influences, opposition to destructive external threats. <...> UZ – one of the sites of the company «UZINFOCOM» is an online service that performs two functions. <...> First, it is directly social network where you can find friends, chat with people. <...> In general, enjoy all the pleasures of the social network. <...> UZ – a general authorization center for all of the company's projects «UZINFOCOM». <...> That is, when registering on «ID», you instantly gain access to resources such as: • ZiyoNET – Educational Portal; • FIKR <...>