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Agricultural Biology  / №5 2013


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Первый авторMaletsky
АвторыRoik N.V., Dragavtsev V.A.
АннотацияThe G. Mendel’s model for hereditary factors (genes) and appeared on its base the genecentric paradigm, which postulates that genes control not only inheritance of simple traits of plants and animals, but determine ontogenesis, morphogenesis and all cardinal tendencies of life evolution, are examined. In the article, it is indicated, that along with the discovery of discrete heredity forPisum sativum L., G. Mendel by fact described, in addition to well-known genotypic and paratypic variability, a one more variability for plants of generaHieracium L., which now is denominated as an epigenetic variability. Analysis of literature permits to evolve the idea, that the real distribution of genotypes is determined not only by the G. Mendel’s lows for inheritance, but by structure of genomes (a ploidy) and by a manner of plant seeds reproduction (uniparental or biparental). In particular, the facts about the manner of reproduction of seeds of different species and genera demonstrate, that very often the reproductive characters are difficultly dedicated as mendelian, and their inheritance usually has an epigenetic nature. Distinctions in the manner of reproduction of Pisumseeds (double impregnation) and in Hieracium species (apogamy) illustrate the polymorphism of reproductive strategies of two botanical genera and can not be determined, by no means, by activity of postulated specific «genes of parthenogenesis» or their absence. In our opinion, a partenogenetic development of plants embryos can be attributed to epigenetic variability, and it is determined by receiving the external or internal signals, which make the switch from one development program to another, by cells of embryo sacks or seed buds of flower. A lot of manners for seed reproduction in many plant species (Beta vulgaris L., Cannabis sativa L., Rosa canina L., and Fragaria L.) illustrate both likeness and distinction in their hereditary systems. In the article the main role of the Soviet (Russian and Ukrainian) biologists in settling the new (epigenetic) paradigm of development and inheritance is demonstrated.
Maletsky, S.I. THIRD VARIABILITY, THE INHERITANCE TYPES AND SEED REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS / S.I. Maletsky, N.V. Roik, V.A. Dragavtsev // Agricultural Biology .— 2013 .— №5 .— С. 3-14 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436703 (дата обращения: 23.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Lavrentieva, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia, e-mail: stas@bionet.nsc.ru; 2Isitute of Bioenergetic Crops and Sugar Beet, Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 25, Klinicheskaya ul., Kiev, 03321 Ukraine, e-mail: sugarbeet@ukr.net; 3Agrophysical Research Institute, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 14, Grazhdanskiy prosp., St. Petersburg, 195220 Russia, e-mail: dravial@mail.ru Received April 25, 2013 The G. Mendel’s model for hereditary factors (genes) and appeared on its base the genecentric paradigm, which postulates that genes control not only inheritance of simple traits of plants and animals, but determine ontogenesis, morphogenesis and all cardinal tendencies of life evolution, are examined. <...> In the article, it is indicated, that along with the discovery of discrete heredity forPisum sativum L., G. Mendel by fact described, in addition to well-known genotypic and paratypic variability, a one more variability for plants of generaHieracium L., which now is denominated as an epigenetic variability. <...> Analysis of literature permits to evolve the idea, that the real distribution of genotypes is determined not only by the G. Mendel’s lows for inheritance, but by structure of genomes (a ploidy) and by a manner of plant seeds reproduction (uniparental or biparental). <...> In particular, the facts about the manner of reproduction of seeds of different species and genera demonstrate, that very often the reproductive characters are difficultly dedicated as mendelian, and their inheritance usually has an epigenetic nature. <...> Distinctions in the manner of reproduction of Pisumseeds (double impregnation) and in Hieracium species (apogamy) illustrate the polymorphism of reproductive strategies of two botanical genera and can not be determined, by no means, by activity of postulated specific «genes of parthenogenesis» or their absence. <...> In our opinion, a partenogenetic development of plants embryos can be attributed to epigenetic variability, and it is determined by receiving the external or internal signals, which make the switch from one development program to another, by cells of embryo sacks or seed buds of flower. <...> A lot of manners for seed reproduction in many plant species (Beta vulgaris L., Cannabis sativa L., Rosa canina L., and Fragaria L.) illustrate both likeness and distinction in their hereditary systems. <...> Keywords: mendelism, genocentric paradigm, principle of Astaurov, epigenetic heredity, uniparental and biparental mode of seed <...>