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Прикладная информатика / Journal of Applied Informatics  / №2 2015

Strategic aspects of interaction between the electronic and mobile businesses (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторČyras
АвторыSabaitytė J.
АннотацияEffective development of nowadays business must be based on scientific knowledge and sciencebased solutions, which are designed to properly integrate electronic and mobile business models into enterprises current traditional activities. IT-based development should be followed by rightly identified characteristics of electronic, mobile business and participants in this area, analysed strategy aspects and identified the role and importance of business model in this context. The aim of this article is to analyze the effective electronic and mobile business integration to traditional business aspects from the strategic point of view. To achieve this goal, the main characteristics of e- and m-business were identified, information technology-based business strategies and business model classification were analyzed. Research methodology employed: systematic literature analysis and synthesis, grouping, graphic information visualization techniques.
Čyras, G. Strategic aspects of interaction between the electronic and mobile businesses / G. Čyras, J. Sabaitytė // Прикладная информатика / Journal of Applied Informatics .— 2015 .— №2 .— С. 5-14 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/428730 (дата обращения: 06.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

IT-бизнес Информационные системы бизнеса IT business Business information systems ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ИНФОРМАТИКА / JOURNAL OF APPLIED INFORMATICS Том 10. ¹ 2 (56). 2015 G. Čyras, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, jolanta.sabaityte@vgtu.lt J. Sabaitytė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, giedrius.cyras@vgtu.lt Strategic aspects of interaction between the electronic and mobile businesses Effective development of nowadays business must be based on scientific knowledge and sciencebased solutions, which are designed to properly integrate electronic and mobile business models into enterprises current traditional activities. <...> IT-based development should be followed by rightly identified characteristics of electronic, mobile business and participants in this area, analysed strategy aspects and identified the role and importance of business model in this context. <...> The aim of this article is to analyze the effective electronic and mobile business integration to traditional business aspects from the strategic point of view. <...> To achieve this goal, the main characteristics of e- and m-business were identified, information technology-based business strategies and business model classification were analyzed. <...> Research methodology employed: systematic literature analysis and synthesis, grouping, graphic information visualization techniques. <...> Introduction I n information society, due to union between knowledge, technology and information flow, synthesis of traditional and information technology based business has emerged — electronic business (e-business). <...> On this day m-business is a rapidly developing branch of business, which was created after development of wireless data networks and companies started to integrate m-solutions into their existing activities. <...> Therefore, upsprings a need to anticipate possible uncertainties and after ascertaining them, to form an IT-based strategy encompassing e-business and m-business characteristics and business models. <...> Purpose of this paper is to analyze the effective electronic and mobile business integration solutions to traditional business aspects from the strategic point of view. <...> Systemic analysis of scientific literature, information logical comparison and graphic methods are used in this paper. <...> In the 5 ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ИНФОРМАТИКА / JOURNAL OF APPLIED INFORMATICS Vol. 10. <...> In order to define electronic and mobile business model and strategy aspects, it is critical to examine the characteristics of these businesses. <...> Information Communication Technology gave new tools for product <...>