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Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник  / №6 2016


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Первый авторAyagan
АвторыDuvanbekov R.S., Kuleimenov А., Abishev J.B., Kuleimenova L.M.
АннотацияThis article examines how the wise management of Zhanghir khan in Bukey Horde deals with the problems of education in State level. Zhanghir khan aimed to take up this problem in Bukey Horde through diplomatic relationships with tsarist Russia. Therefore, schools and madrasahs in new tendency on the basis of Islam culture in Kazakh land firstly were introduced in Bukey Horde. Also, humanity and religious education in pedagogical ideas and thoughts of outstanding philosophers are analyzed. The usage of these ethno pedagogical values to rear young generation in religious and patriotic process in modern educational branch is widely talked.
THE FIRST KAZAKH-RUSSIAN SCHOOLS OF A “CLASS-LESSON” SYSTEM ESTABLISHED IN THE BUKEI HORDE, KAZAKHSTAN BY ZHANGIR KHAN AS A NEW PEDAGOGICAL TREND / Y.S. Ayagan [и др.] // Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник .— 2016 .— №6 .— С. 15-20 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/397004 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

2016, том 18 [6] THE FIRST KAZAKH-RUSSIAN SCHOOLS OF A “CLASS-LESSON” SYSTEM ESTABLISHED IN THE BUKEI HORDE, KAZAKHSTAN BY ZHANGIR KHAN AS A NEW PEDAGOGICAL TREND J.B. Abishev1, L.M. Kuleimenova2 1Buketov Karaganda State University Karaganda, Kazahstan, 100000 2Karaganda State Technical University Karaganda. <...> This article examines how the wise management of Zhanghir khan in Bukey Horde deals with the problems of education in State level. <...> Zhanghir khan aimed to take up this problem in Bukey Horde through diplomatic relationships with tsarist Russia. <...> Therefore, schools and madrasahs in new tendency on the basis of Islam culture in Kazakh land firstly were introduced in Bukey Horde. <...> Also, humanity and religious education in pedagogical ideas and thoughts of outstanding philosophers are analyzed. <...> The usage of these ethno pedagogical values to rear young generation in religious and patriotic process in modern educational branch is widely talked. <...> Key words: Kazakhstan, Bukey Horde, Zhanghir khan, madrasahs, religious education, Kazakh, tsarist Russia, schools in new tendency. <...> The most renowned of the leaders of the Bukei Horde was Zhangir Khan who took on the role in 1824. <...> The Schools that appeared in the Bukei Horde at the time of Zhangir’s rule are one of the in value blethings left tothe Kazakh people. <...> Amid numerous numbers of such disciples who first went to school was Muhanbet Sali’k Babazhanov [6]. <...> The reason why historians omitted that historic fact Zhangir Khan was the first who established the school to Kazakh people still requires some scientific investigations. <...> Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ ЭЛ № ФС77-50518 Журнал представлен в НАУЧНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКЕ (НЭБ) — головном исполнителе проекта по созданию Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ) Y.S. Ayagan1, R.S. Duvanbekov1,А. <...> Kuleimenov1, Since 1999 e-ISSN 2226-7417 On line scientific @ educational Bulletin “Health and Education Millennium”, 2016. <...> No 6 language bearing national upbringing as well. <...> If granted historic materials we could see that the school was earlier famous as a national college, specialized in Islamic culture, including all the traditional forms of religious thought and upbringing. <...> There was <...>