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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry №3 2010

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АннотацияСерия «Химия» является мультидисциплинарной по тематике публикуемых результатов фундаментальных и прикладных исследований. Однако предпочтение отдается работам, посвященным химическим аспектам рационального природопользования. Высокая актуальность этой тематики обусловлена наличием в Сибирском регионе огромных ресурсов природного, минерального и органического сырья. Новые технологии химической переработки этих ресурсов в востребованные продукты (благородные и цветные металлы, моторные топлива, целлюлозу и т.д.) должны не только быть экономически эффективными, но и обеспечивать минимальный ущерб для окружающей среды и здоровья человека.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry .— 2010 .— №3 .— 122 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285907 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Kirill S. Alexandrov Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Veniamin S. Sokolov Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Chemistry: Boris N. Kuznetsov CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Meghan E. Swanson, Vladimir V. Pushkarev, Vladimir I. Kovalchuk and Julie L. d’Itri Carbon Monoxide Disproportionation over Ceria-Containing Materials – 207 – Galina I. Volkova and Elena A. Glazkova Removal of Petroleum Products from Water using Disperse and Fibrous Sorbents – 216 – Konstantin L. Kaygorodov, Yulia V. Chelbina, Valery E. Tarabanko and Nikolay V. Tarabanko Extraction of Vanillin by Aliphatic Alcohols – 228 – О. <...> Chemistry 3 (2010 3) 207-215 ~ ~ ~ УДК 546 Carbon Monoxide Disproportionation over Ceria-Containing Materials Meghan E. Swanson, Vladimir V. Pushkarev, Vladimir I. Kovalchuk* and Julie L. d’Itri Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 1 Received 6.09.2010, received in revised form 13.09.2010, accepted 20.09.2010 The disproportionation of CO catalyzed by ceria is demonstrated in this Raman spectroscopic investigation of the interaction of CO with ZrO2 , Pd/ZrO2 Introduction and CO2 The disproportionation of CO to carbon is favored thermodynamically at temperatures less than 1000 K; however, the gas phase reaction kinetics are extremely slow [1]. <...> And it has also been reported that CO disproportionation is facile on metal oxides such as MgO [16] and Fe3 O4 [17]; albeit these metal oxides are considered as less active catalysts than the metals. <...> Based on FTIR investigations of surface species formed upon exposure CO, Li et al. inferred CeO2 the to catalyzes CO disproportionation [18]. <...> The objective of this research was to provide unambiguous evidence not CeO2 whether or Specifi cally, with Ce0.75 Zr0.25 catalyzes CO disproportionation. experiments were conducted O2 and ZrO2 , both as pure materials and with deposited Pd metal, and the results were compared to the reported <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Химия Chemistry Редакционный совет академик РАН Е.А.Ваганов академик РАН К.С.Александров академик РАН И.И.Гительзон академик РАН В.Ф.Шабанов чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат.наук А.Г.Дегерменджи чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л.Миронов чл.-к. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л.Пашков чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В.Шайдуров чл.-к. РАО, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.С. Соколов член-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Kirill S. Alexandrov Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Veniamin S. Sokolov Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Chemistry: Boris N. Kuznetsov CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Meghan E. Swanson, Vladimir V. Pushkarev, Vladimir I. Kovalchuk and Julie L. d’Itri Carbon Monoxide Disproportionation over Ceria-Containing Materials – 207 – Galina I. Volkova and Elena A. Glazkova Removal of Petroleum Products from Water using Disperse and Fibrous Sorbents – 216 – Konstantin L. Kaygorodov, Yulia V. Chelbina, Valery E. Tarabanko and Nikolay V. Tarabanko Extraction of Vanillin by Aliphatic Alcohols – 228 – Î.Ï. Òàðàí, Å.Ì. Полянская, Клод Деком, О.Л. Огородникова, Мишель Бессон rгле!%д…/е *=2=л,ƒ=2%!/ дл гл3K%*%г% ›,д*%-=ƒ…%г% %*,“ле…, %!г=…,че“*,. .*%2%*“,*=…2%" *,“л%!%д%м "%ƒд3.= " "%д…/. !=“2"%!=. – 234 – Î.Ï. Òàðàí, Å.Ì. Полянская, Клод Деком, О.Л. Огородников Ru/C-*=2=л,ƒ=2%!/ дл гл3K%*%г% ›,д*%-=ƒ…%г% %*,“ле…, -е…%л= *,“л%!%д%м "%ƒд3.= " "%д…/. !=“2"%!=. – 245 – И.В. Петерсон, В.А. Соколенко, Н.М. Свирская, А.И. Рубайло q-=л*,л,!%"=…,е “C,!2=м, 1,4-д,г,д!%*“,…=-2=л,…= 2!е2,ч…/м, – 253 – Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Т.Е. Бастрыгина Компьютерная верстка И.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 20.09.2010 г. Формат 84х108/16. Усл. печ. л. 9,9. Уч.-изд. л. 9,4. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 2735. Отпечатано в ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a. 2010 3 (3)
Editorial board for Chemistry: Nikolai V. Chesnokov Lubov ’ K. Altunina Natalia G. Bazarnova Vasiliy A. Babkin Vicente Cebolla Viktor M. Denisov Zinfer R. Ismagilov Sergey V. Kachin Sergey D. Kirik Wolfgang Klose Vladimir I. Kovalchuk Vladimir A. Likholobov Yuri L. Mikhlin Gennady L. Pashkov Anatoly I. Rubailo Tatyana V. Ryazanova Vladimir A. Sobyanin Valeri E. Tarabanko Tatyana G. Shendrik Maxim L. Shchipko Jean V. Weber Е.Е. Назмутдинова, Е.А. Краснов, Å.Ã. Ñòðóêîâà, À.À. Åôðåìîâ, Ì.Ë. Белянин nC!еделе…,е C%“2%!%……,. C!,ме“еL " “3K“2=…ц,, д,K%!…%л= ме2%д%м b}fu – 260 – В.В. Сурсякова, Г.В. Бурмакина, А.И. Рубайло p=ƒ!=K%2*= ме2%д,* %C!еделе…, -е…%л%" " C,2ье"%L , C!,!%д…%L "%д=. ме2%д=м, *=C,лл !…%г% .ле*2!%-%!еƒ= , "/“%*%.--е*2,"…%L ›,д*%“2…%L .!%м=2%г!=-,, – 268 – Е.Г. Струкова, À.À. Åôðåìîâ, Ñ.Â. Качин lе2!%л%г,че“*,е .=!=*2е!,“2,*, ме2%д,*, .!%м=2%-м=“““Cе*2!%ме2!,че“*%г% %C!еделе…, м,*!%%!г=…,ƒм%" – 278 – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-726 от 29.06.2007 г. Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук» (редакция 2010 г.) Е.В. Веприкова, Е.А. Терещенко, Í.Â. ×åñíîêîâ, Ì.Ë. Ùèïêî, Á.Í. Кузнецов n“%Kе……%“2, %ч,“2*, "%д/ %2 …е-2еC!%д3*2%" “ ,“C%льƒ%"=…,ем …е-2 …/. “%!Kе…2%", -,ль2!3ю?,. м=2е!,=л%" , =*2,"…/. 3глеL – 285 – Þ.Å. Àíàíüåâà, Í.Ñ. Åëèñååâà, Ï.Î. Êðàñíîâ, À.À. Êóçóáîâ, À.Ñ. Федоров Šе%!е2,че“*%е ,““лед%"=…,е ƒ=",“,м%“2, м,г!=ц,, %д,…%ч…%L "=*=…“,, " г!=-е…е %2 де-%!м=ц,, – 305 – В.С. Чекушин, Н.В. Олейникова o%л3че…,е %*“,д= …=2!, " "%““2=…%",2ель…/. , %Kме……/. C!%це““=. “ 3ч=“2,ем “3ль-=2= …=2!, – 311 – Í.Ã. Âíóêîâà, Â.À. Ëîïàòèí, А.Л. Колоненко, Г.Н. Чурилов `…=л,ƒ 2 ›ел/. -!=*ц,L …е-2, ме2%д%м .м,““,%……%L “Cе*2!%“*%C,, – 321 – .,м,че“*,. м=!*е!%"
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry 3 (2010 3) 207-215 ~ ~ ~ УДК 546 Carbon Monoxide Disproportionation over Ceria-Containing Materials Meghan E. Swanson, Vladimir V. Pushkarev, Vladimir I. Kovalchuk* and Julie L. d’Itri Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 1 Received 6.09.2010, received in revised form 13.09.2010, accepted 20.09.2010 The disproportionation of CO catalyzed by ceria is demonstrated in this Raman spectroscopic investigation of the interaction of CO with ZrO2 , Pd/ZrO2 Introduction and CO2 The disproportionation of CO to carbon is favored thermodynamically at temperatures less than 1000 K; however, the gas phase reaction kinetics are extremely slow [1]. Metals such as Ni [2-6], Fe [7, 8], Co [4, 8, 9], Pt [10], Pd [11-13], Ru [14], and Rh [15] readily catalyze the reaction. And it has also been reported that CO disproportionation is facile on metal oxides such as MgO [16] and Fe3 O4 [17]; albeit these metal oxides are considered as less active catalysts than the metals. Based on FTIR investigations of surface species formed upon exposure CO, Li et al. inferred CeO2 the to catalyzes CO disproportionation [18]. A recent Raman study also provided results consistent with CO disproportionation catalyzed by CeO2 understand because CeO2 is used [19, 20]. The propensity of ceria-based materials to catalyze CO disproportionation is important to in © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved , Ce0.75 Zr0.25 O2 , and Pd/Ce0.75 Zr0.25 Keywords: disproportionation, carbon monoxide, ceria, zirconia, Raman spectroscopy automotive catalytic converters as an oxygen buffer and the oxygen buffering capacity of the catalyst is measured using the assumption of stoichiometric oxidation of CO [21]. The objective of this research was to provide unambiguous evidence not CeO2 whether or Specifi cally, with Ce0.75 Zr0.25 catalyzes CO disproportionation. experiments were conducted O2 and ZrO2 , both as pure materials and with deposited Pd metal, and the results were compared to the reported Raman bands at 1582 and 1331 cm-1 after CeO2 observed is exposed to CO [19,20]. Zirconia is not expected to catalyze the reaction and was used as a reference material, yet, it has been suggested that ceria is active for CO disproportionation [18-20]. The Raman spectra obtained for the two oxides were compared to spectra obtained for the 1% Pd-supported oxides for purposes of delineating between CO disproportionation catalysis by the metal oxide and the metal [11-13]. * Corresponding author E-mail address: vkovalch@gmail.com 1 # 207 # O2