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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry №2 2010

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АннотацияСерия «Химия» является мультидисциплинарной по тематике публикуемых результатов фундаментальных и прикладных исследований. Однако предпочтение отдается работам, посвященным химическим аспектам рационального природопользования. Высокая актуальность этой тематики обусловлена наличием в Сибирском регионе огромных ресурсов природного, минерального и органического сырья. Новые технологии химической переработки этих ресурсов в востребованные продукты (благородные и цветные металлы, моторные топлива, целлюлозу и т.д.) должны не только быть экономически эффективными, но и обеспечивать минимальный ущерб для окружающей среды и здоровья человека.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry .— 2010 .— №2 .— 107 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285906 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Химия Chemistry Редакционный совет академик РАН Е. <...> Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Kirill S. Alexandrov Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Veniamin S. Sokolov Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Chemistry: Boris N. Kuznetsov CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Sholpan S. Itkulova Reforming of Light Alkanes by CO2 Catalys – 99 – Sholpan S. Itkulova Carbon Dioxide Conversion of Real Associated Gases in Presence of Water Over the KMR-8 qatalyst – 104 – Sergey N. Sherstyuk, Olga V. Serebrennikova, Larisa D. Stakhina and Petr B. Kadichagov The Effect of EOR Technologies on the Composition of Recovered Crude Oil – 110 – С. <...> Chemistry 2 (2010 3) 99-103 ~ ~ ~ УДК 665.644.4; 546.264-31 Reforming of Light Alkanes by CO2 Over Bimetallic Supported Catalyst Sholpan S. Itkulova* D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis & Electrochemistry; 142 Kunaev st., Almaty, 050010 Republic Kazakhstan 1 Received 4.06.2010, received in revised form 11.06.2010, accepted 18.06.2010 The bimetallic cobalt-containing catalyst supported on alumina has been investigated in the reaction of interaction between carbon dioxide and light alkanes (mix of C2 -C4 hydrocarbons) or individual methane at varying experiment temperature and pressure. <...> It has been shown that the catalyst possesses the high activity in reforming of alkanes. <...> In addition to above products olefi ns are formed at the interaction between carbon dioxide and alkanes (C2 -C4 resistance to coke formation. <...> Keywords: CO2 reforming, bimetallic catalyst, light alkanes, synthesis-gas Introduction of methane (CH4 interaction with carbon dioxide (CO2 One of new widely developing methods ) utilization is its catalytic ) so called dry reforming of methane according to the reaction (equation 1) [1-4]: CO2 + CH4  2CO+2H2 Synthesis-gas (or syngas – CO+H2 (equation 1) ) produced by this reaction is recognized as the most <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Химия Chemistry Редакционный совет академик РАН Е.А.Ваганов академик РАН К.С.Александров академик РАН И.И.Гительзон академик РАН В.Ф.Шабанов чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат.наук А.Г.Дегерменджи чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л.Миронов чл.-к. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л.Пашков чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В.Шайдуров чл.-к. РАО, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.С. Соколов член-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Kirill S. Alexandrov Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Veniamin S. Sokolov Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Chemistry: Boris N. Kuznetsov CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Sholpan S. Itkulova Reforming of Light Alkanes by CO2 Catalys – 99 – Sholpan S. Itkulova Carbon Dioxide Conversion of Real Associated Gases in Presence of Water Over the KMR-8 qatalyst – 104 – Sergey N. Sherstyuk, Olga V. Serebrennikova, Larisa D. Stakhina and Petr B. Kadichagov The Effect of EOR Technologies on the Composition of Recovered Crude Oil – 110 – С.В. Барышников, В.И. Шарыпов, А.М. Жижаев, Н.Г. Береговцова, Б.Н. Кузнецов hƒме…е…, “2!3*23!…%L 3C%! д%че……%“2, д!е"е“,…/ %“,…/ " C!%це““е ее ме.=…%.,м,че“*%L =*2,"=ц,, , г,д!%л,ƒ= – 120 – À.À. Êóçóáîâ, Ï.Â. Àâðàìîâ, Ò.À. Кожевникова, Þ.Å. Àíàíüåâà, Í.Ñ. Åëèñååâà, Ä.Ñ. Калякин Šе%!е2,че“*%е "%д%!%д= “ C%"е!.…%“2ью Cл=2,…/ – 128 – Н.Г. Максимов, Г.В. Бурмакина, А.И. Рубайло hƒ3че…,е ме2%д%м }op !ед%*“-=*2,",!%"=……/. .,…%…%м *%мCле*“%" ! д= *=!K%…,ль…/. *л=“2е!…/. “%ед,…е…,L ›елеƒ= , %“м, – 139 – Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Т.Е. Бастрыгина Компьютерная верстка И.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 18.06.2010 г. Формат 84х108/16. Усл. печ. л. 8,6. Уч.-изд. л. 8,1. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 2503. Отпечатано в ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a. ,““лед%"=…,е C!%це““= "ƒ=,м%деL“2", Over Bimetallic Supported 2010 3 (2)
Editorial board for Chemistry: Nikolai V. Chesnokov Lubov ’ K. Altunina Natalia G. Bazarnova Vasiliy A. Babkin Vicente Cebolla Viktor M. Denisov Zinfer R. Ismagilov Sergey V. Kachin Sergey D. Kirik Wolfgang Klose Vladimir I. Kovalchuk Vladimir A. Likholobov Yuri L. Mikhlin Gennady L. Pashkov Anatoly I. Rubailo Tatyana V. Ryazanova Vladimir A. Sobyanin Valeri E. Tarabanko Tatyana G. Shendrik Maxim L. Shchipko Jean V. Weber Â.È. Êóçüìèí, Í.Â. Гудкова }*“2!=*ц, …е*%2%!/. ме2=лл%" Cе!е.%д…%L г!3CC/ м%…%де…2=…2…/м *=2,%…%%Kме……/м .*“2!=ге…2%м $ 2-…=-2=л,…2,%л%м – 145 – Н.С. Николаева, Â.Â. Èâàíîâ, À.À. Шубин q,…2еƒ "/“%*%д,“Cе!“…/. -%!м %*“,д= ц,…*=: .,м,че“*%е %“=›де…,е , 2е!м%л,ƒ – 153 – С.А. Кузнецова, Б.Н. Кузнецов, Г.П. Скворцова, Е.С. Скурыдина, Г.С. Калачева bл, …,е 3“л%",L =це2,л,!%"=…, , C!ед"=!,2ель…%L %K!=K%2*, Kе!е“2/ *%!/ Kе!еƒ/ …= "/.%д , “%“2=" 2!,2е!Cе…%"/. C!%д3*2%" – 174 – А.А. Машенцева, Т.С. Сейтембетов }*“Cе!,ме…2=ль…%е , 2е%!е2,че“*%е ,““лед%"=…,е "ƒ=,м%“" ƒ, &“2!3*23!=-=*2,"…%“2ь[ C!%,ƒ"%д…/. *%!,ч…%L *,“л%2/ – 183 – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-726 от 29.06.2007 г. Ñ.À. Сагалаков, Ñ.Â. Качин q%!Kц,%……%--%2%ме2!,че“*%е %C!еделе…,е “е!%3гле!%д= " "%ƒд3.е !=K%чеL ƒ%…/ – 192 – ß.Â. Ãîðèíà, Å.À. Краснов t,2%.,м,че“*%е ,““лед%"=…,е …е*%2%!/. ",д%" !%д= Stellaria – 200 –
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry 2 (2010 3) 99-103 ~ ~ ~ УДК 665.644.4; 546.264-31 Reforming of Light Alkanes by CO2 Over Bimetallic Supported Catalyst Sholpan S. Itkulova* D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis & Electrochemistry; 142 Kunaev st., Almaty, 050010 Republic Kazakhstan 1 Received 4.06.2010, received in revised form 11.06.2010, accepted 18.06.2010 The bimetallic cobalt-containing catalyst supported on alumina has been investigated in the reaction of interaction between carbon dioxide and light alkanes (mix of C2 -C4 hydrocarbons) or individual methane at varying experiment temperature and pressure. It has been shown that the catalyst possesses the high activity in reforming of alkanes. The reactants’ conversion and products’ yield and composition depend on composition of initial feed and process conditions. The main product of CO2 +CH4 reaction is synthesis-gas at atmospheric pressure, also water and oxygenates are produced at higher pressure. The yield of oxygenates (mainly methanol and ethanol) is about 2 % under the certain conditions (P= 2-5 atm). In addition to above products olefi ns are formed at the interaction between carbon dioxide and alkanes (C2 -C4 resistance to coke formation. Keywords: CO2 reforming, bimetallic catalyst, light alkanes, synthesis-gas Introduction of methane (CH4 interaction with carbon dioxide (CO2 One of new widely developing methods ) utilization is its catalytic ) so called dry reforming of methane according to the reaction (equation 1) [1-4]: CO2 + CH4  2CO+2H2 Synthesis-gas (or syngas – CO+H2 (equation 1) ) produced by this reaction is recognized as the most real alternative raw material for producing the various hydrocarbon fractions including motor fuel, hard hydrocarbons, olefi ns, and oxygenates to be used in different directions of energetic and chemistry [1-5]. The development of methods of combined utilization of carbon dioxide and alkanes can also * Corresponding author E-mail address: itkulova@nursat.kz 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved # 99 # solve the ecological problem. Both carbon dioxide and methane are “green-house” gases. ` The interaction between light alkanes (C2 -C4 ) and carbon dioxide is performed as a prospective process too, because they are components of the real natural, associated and petrochemical gases. CO2 reforming of alkanes (C2+ ) is not widely investigated. The reason of that is high coke formation due to cracking of hydrocarbons strengthened with increase in number of carbon atoms of hydrocarbon. Carbon can be produced during decomposition of carbon dioxide too. As a result the catalysts covered by carbon deposition lose their activity in process of CO2 that discourages their use especially reforming under high pressure. For commercial application the ). One of the advantages of the synthesized catalyst is its