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Экономическая безопасность: Таможенный аспект. Economic security: Customs aspects (1500,00 руб.)

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Экономическая безопасность: Таможенный аспект. Economic security: Customs aspects / Колесникова Н.А., Томашевская Л.А. — 274 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-2826-0 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/875176 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923 К60 Колесникова Н.А. К60 Экономическая безопасность: Таможенный аспект. Economic security: Customs aspects [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие /Н.А. Колесникова, Л.А. Томашевская. — 2-е изд., стер. — М. : ФЛИНТА, 2021. —274 с. ISBN 978-5-9765-2826-0 Пособие состоит из четырех частей. Первые три части организованы по тематическому принципу (см. оглавление) , четвертая часть содержит справочный материал по практической фонетике, словообразованию и практикум-глоссарий профильной лексики, для детальной проработки базовой лексики первой части. Ко всем сложным заданиям имеются ключи. Наличие ключей к диалогам-интервью позволяет организовать работу студентов в режиме самоконтроля в аудитории и дома. Четко выдержанная система заданий обеспечивает контроль понимания, активизацию профессиональной терминологии и развитие умений в разных видах чтения и говорения на английском языке. Задания предназначены для организации самостоятельной и аудиторной работы студентов, обучающихся по специальностям экономического и юридического профиля (уровень Intermediate, Upper Intermediate). УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923 ISBN 978-5-9765-2826-0 © Колесникова Н.А., Томашевская Л.А., 2016 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2016
CONTENTS Предисловие .................................................................................................. 5 SECTION 1. OVERVIEW OF CUSTOMS ISSUES .......................................................... 10 1. Travelling within and outside the EU .................................................. 10 2. Duty-free status ..................................................................................... 15 3. Fighting the flow of contraband goods across borders ......................... 19 4. A reliable security systems supplier ..................................................... 23 5. Regulating customs clearance of goods ............................................... 27 6. Controlling trade: domestic versus international dimensions .............. 32 7. Lufthansa launches wireless baggage control ...................................... 36 8. The baggage handling system at Denver International Airport ............ 40 9. The passenger control in Helsinki ........................................................ 45 10. Random search ..................................................................................... 49 11. Places of concealment and methods of detecting drugs ....................... 52 12. Patrolling the U.S. Coast ...................................................................... 56 13. Working together to stop drug smuggling ............................................ 60 14. Smuggler‘s deadly cargo: Cop-killing guns ......................................... 63 15. The future of airport security (Part 1) ................................................... 67 16. The future of airport security (Part 2) ................................................... 71 17. Immigration & Customs Procedure at the crossing points in Israel ..... 76 18. A two-lane customs transit system at Ben Gurion Airport ................... 80 19. Organised crime involved in people smuggling and trafficking to Australia .............................................................................................. 85 20. Man caught with pockets full of steroids ............................................. 88 SECTION 2. FACILITATING INTERNATIONAL TRADE: SIMPLIFYING CUSTOMS PROCEDURES AND INTEGRATING SYSTEMS ............................................. 93 1. Single window customs plan gains steam ............................................ 93 2. Government working on single window customs clearance ................ 96 3. Customs gearing up for ASEAN‘s ‗single window‘ system .............. 100 4. Single window, paperless trade, cargo [Customs asked to speed up clearance for perishable exports] ....................................................... 106 5. Risk Management System: new dimension for Customs clearance ... 109 6. Customs clearance info online ........................................................... 114 SECTION 3. THE CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY: COUNTERFEITING, ILLEGAL TRADE AND CORRUPTION .................................................... 119 1. The profile of counterfeiting .............................................................. 119 2. Cigarettes top list of fraudulent items seized by customs .................. 124 3. Customs officers seize 30 million cigarettes in shipment at Southampton Container Port ............................................................. 129 4. Intentional food fraud ........................................................................ 133 3
5. Combating trafficking in illegal wildlife products: Facts and figures ................................................................................................. 137 6. Recent arrests and drug seizures [Completing skeleton dialogues] .... 145 7. CBP seizes smuggled currency at Presidio port of entry .................... 150 8. CBP seizes hunting trophies ............................................................... 151 9. Customs seize 645 wolf skins from Greece ....................................... 152 10. Sniffer dogs — the first line of defence against smuggled drugs ....... 153 11. Causes of corruption in customs administrations ............................... 159 12. Reducing the opportunities for corruption in customs administrations ................................................................................... 164 13. Professional customs administrations in combating corruption ......... 168 14. Attempting to improve customs integrity in Ecuador: retrospective review ................................................................................................ 174 SECTION 4. REFERENCE MATERIALS ................................................................... 182 1. Pronunciation rules ............................................................................. 182 2. Word-building and word formation exercises .................................... 193 3. Vocabulary drill and self-assessment ................................................. 202 4. Keys to Sections 1-3 ........................................................................... 247 4

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически
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