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Театр №2(42) 2020 (250,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал «Театр» — старейший из ныне существующих российских журналов о сценическом искусстве. Он начал выходить в середине 30-х годов. За эти долгие годы он пережил несколько радикальных обновлений, в каждом из которых отражалась новая историческая эпоха — от сталинизма до оттепели и перестройки, но во всех эпохах он оставался главным медийным ресурсом о театре. В 2010 году после двухлетнего перерыва СТД РФ решил возродить «Театр.».
Театр .— 2020 .— №2(42) .— 192 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/736602 (дата обращения: 25.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

июнь 2020, №42 издается с 1930 года в 1990—2000-е выходил с перерывами возобновлен в октябре 2010 года ТЕАТР Учредитель издания — Союз театральных деятелей Российской Федерации (ИНН 7707035201) Адрес: 107031, Страстной бульвар, 10 Главный редактор — Марина Юрьевна Давыдова Заместитель главного редактора — Олег Зинцов Выпускающий редактор и редактор блога — Алла Шендерова Редакторы — Валерий Золотухин — Ника Пархомовская Обозреватель — Лиза Кешишева Cпециальный зарубежный корреспондент — Камила Мамадназарбекова Дизайнер — Наталья Агапова Руководитель фотослужбы — Мария Захарова Исполнительный директор — Дмитрий Мозговой Помощник директора — Евгения Баландина Директор по распространению — Дмитрий Лисин Издание журнала осуществлено при поддержке Фонда Михаила Прохорова Журнал зарегистрирован в Федеральном агентстве по печати и массовым коммуникациям ПИ N77-1621 от 28.01.2000 ISSN 0131-6885 Адрес редакции для почты: 107031, Москва, Страстной бульвар, 10, комн. 38 тел.: (495) 650 28 27, 650 95 22 e-mail: info@oteatre.info teatr.moscow@gmail.com www.oteatre.info Индекс журнала в объединенном каталоге «Пресса России» — 13150 Цена свободная
SERGEY KHODNEV FROM CHOREGOS TO DEMIURGE TEATR. finds out which fundamental principles of an old opera performance have retained their relevance in the modern theater, which ones have acquired it, and which, on the contrary, have lost. PETER VOROTYNTSEV THE BATTLES IN MARRIED LIFE In 1975, exactly forty-five years ago, Ingmar Bergman directed The Magic Flute and transformed the opera film genre forever. TEATR. analyses how the film relates to the trends in world opera directing of Bergman’s time and our own. ANNA SMIRINA KONSTANTIN SERGEEVICH CHANGES HIS OCCUPATION TEATR. is trying to understand how Stanislavsky adapted his «system» to an musical genre, taught opera directors and opera singers to listen with their eyes and see with their ears, fought with Nemirovich for The Queen of Spades and used movie techniques in his opera productions. OLGA MANULKINA WHY STUDY OPERA What is hidden behind the phrase «opera studies»? What new in the field of studying opera recently appeared in Russian and foreign languages? What is the difference between European and American approaches? TEATR. asked to answer these questions leading experts in the field of opera studies — musicologists, employees of musical theaters and critics. KONSTANTIN CHERKASOV MASTERS, ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS, DOCTORS, LAWYERS TEATR. tells how Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko and Vera Inber remade Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi. MARIA NEKLYUDOVA BAROQUE OPERA AS A CYBERNETIC MACHINE Why do modern productions of baroque operas KONSTANTIN UCHITEL MEYERHOLD AND OPERA. FROM UNFULFILLED Starting to recall the opera work of the Master, TEATR. came to the conclusion that in those of them that have come to life, he appears as a professional musician and subtle stylist. And in those that the audience never saw he does as a reformer and seer. often cause fatigue, and their concert performances, on the contrary, are met with more enthusiasm? Do instruments like supertitles help us better understand musical theater or upset the balance between verbal, musical and other components of the opera? Looking for answers to these questions TEATR. addresses semiotics, which made a revolution in the description of performing arts half a century ago. VLADISLAV TARNOPOLSKY SOUND-ACOUSTIC PLOT TEATR. is trying to trace how a contemporary DMITRY ABAULIN THE SPIRAL OF PATRICE CHEREAU In 1976, a revolution occurred in Bayreuth — composer invades the space of theater directing, without becoming a director. the old Wagnerian stereotypes were destroyed. The French director with only two opera productions in his portfolio dared to encroach on it. TEATR. decided to recall what came out of it. 02 EKATERINA BELYAEVA FROM THE FEST TO THE FESTSPIELE Modest music festivals existed in Europe already in the 18th century. For example, regular concerts of choral groups in England. In the next century, the festival movement has already swept all over Europe. TEATR. tries to outline its brief history. www.oteatre.info English Summary
EKATERINA BABURINA IT IS NOT A TEMPLE HERE Now that the opera is inaccessible to the audience in places specially designated for it like musical theaters, it’s time to recall how the opera has been actively mastering places that are completely not intended for it in the last decades. ELENA CHEREMNYKH COMPOSER BECOMES A DIRECTOR TEATR. decided to understand where Russian composers and directors Vladimir Rannev and Alexander Manotskov came from and what they are. ANNA GORDEEVA THOSE WHO DO NOT SING 46 years ago, the new revolution happened in NATALIA SURNINA BABY-OPERA, HORROR-OPERA AND SADNESS-OPERA Twenty new operas in three years — that is opera theater — choreographers came to power. Since then, starting with Pina Bausch, many theaters have given to people of dance the right to stage operas. TEATR. tries to understand why opera theaters need «strangers». the result of the work of the laboratory of young composers and playwrights «Cooperation». Most of the scores have grown to full-fledged one-act operas, and in a variety of formats: site-specific, opera-promenade, children’s opera, perfume opera, multimedia opera, plant-opera, baby-opera. MARIA ZERCHANINOVA FROM VERSAILLES TO THE MOON Dressing artists in historical costumes and putting musicians with authentic instruments in the orchestra pit is not enough to resurrect an old opera. TEATR. tells how director Benjamin Lazar reconstructs baroque works in France. And not only baroque ones. NIKA PARKHOMOVSKAYA BIG MIGRATION The names of directors collected in the Bolshoi Theater opera repertoire can be envied by any drama theater in the world. What unites all these people? Why do they stage operas in the country’s the most important musical theater? TEATR. analyses the causes and consequences of the migration of drama directors to the Bolshoi. ZOYA BOROZDINOVA IMAGINATION ENGINEER Heiner Goebbels has a unique position in the theatrical and musical world. He is a composer and a director, but above all, an inventor of the theater, who thinks up the relation of space to movement, light to text, body to music. TEATR. tried to apply the Goebbels’s method to the description of his own works, which escape from clear definitions. TATA BOEVA ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OPERA DIRECTING TEATR. made up a small encyclopedia with the names of all important directors from the middle of the twentieth century to the present day. NATALYA OVCHINNIKOVA GENIUSES AND PLACE In the era of Theodor Currentzis, as they now 03 call the period of his artistic leadership at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater from 2011 to 2019, the most important directors of our time worked there. TEATR. tells how Peter Sellars, Robert Wilson and Romeo Castelllucci worked in Perm and what memories of themselves they left there. www.oteatre.info English Summary
05 Марина Давыдова Самая прогрессивная архаика ИСТОРИЯ 10 Сергей Ходнев От хорега до демиурга 16 Анна Смирина Константин Сергеевич меняет профессию 29 Константин Черкасов Немирович-Данченко: магистры, доценты, врачи, адвокаты 39 Константин Учитель Мейерхольд и опера. Несбывшееся 45 Петр Воротынцев Ингмар Бергман. Битвы из супружеской жизни 50 Дмитрий Абаулин Спираль Шеро ТЕОРИЯ 56 Зачем изучать оперу и что такое opera studies 67 Мария Неклюдова Барочная опера как кибернетическая машина 74 Владислав Тарнопольский Звуко-акустический сюжет ПРАКТИКА 102 Екатерина Беляева От феста до фестшпиле: обзор оперных фестивалей мира 110 Екатерина Бабурина Опера вне оперных театров: здесь вам не храм 117 123 129 Анна Гордеева Те, которые не поют Мария Зерчанинова Бенджамен Лазар: от Версаля до Луны Зоя Бороздинова Хайнер Гёббельс: инженер воображения 134 Наталья Овчинникова Гении и место: Селларс, Уилсон и Кастеллуччи в Перми 139 Елена Черемных Композитор себе режиссер 144 Наталия Сурнина Бэби-опера, опера-хоррор и опера-печаль 150 Ника Пархомовская Большая миграция ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ ОПЕРНОЙ РЕЖИССУРЫ 158 Тата Боева 04 www.oteatre.info Содержание

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