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Agricultural Biology

Agricultural Biology №5 2020 (1200,00 руб.)

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АннотацияThe AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGY (having been printed since 1935 till 1966 under the title of Agrobiologiya [Agrobiology]) was established as a scientific periodical. It is the only academic journal in Russia which is completely focused on the fundamental research in classical and modern biology of agricultural plants, animals, microorganisms, their improvement and effective use with minimal adverse impact on the environment. The journal is published bimonthly, with six issues a year. As a unique Russian journal in the biological sciences, the AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGY shows a wide range panorama in there search currently performed in Russia. The presented studies are mostly supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, international grants and carried out in collaboration with scientists from Germany, Scotland, Holland, Finland, France, Italy, etc., as well as from the ex-USSR.
Agricultural Biology .— Москва : Редакция журнала "Сельскохозяйственная биология" .— 2020 .— №5 .— 180 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/683559 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

EDITORIAL BOARD I.V. SAVCHENKO (Moscow, Russia) — Chairman (plant biology) BESPALOVA L.A (Krasnodar, Russia) DRAGAVTSEV V.A. (St. Petersburg, Russia) DZYUBENKO N.I (St. Petersburg, Russia) FEDOROVA L.M. (editor-in-chief) (Moscow, Russia) GONCHARENKO A.A. (Moscow, Russia) KHARITONOV E.M. (Krasnodar, Russia) KHOTYLEVA L.V. (Minsk, Belorussia) KORPELA T. (Turku, Finland) LUGTENBERG E.J.J. (Leiden, The Netherlands) LUKOMETS V.M. (Krasnodar, Russia) PIVOVAROV V.F. (Moscow, Russia) SANDUKHADZE B.I. (Moscow, Russia) SEDOV E.N. (Оrel, Russia) SHABALA S. (Tasmania, Australia) TIGERSTEDT P.M.A. (Esbo, Finland) TIKHONOVICH I.A. (St. Petersburg, Russia) A peer-reviewed academic journal for delivering current original research results and reviews on classic and modern biology of agricultural plants, animals and microorganisms Covered in Scopus, Web of Science (BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, Russian Science Citation Index), Agris Science editors: E.V. Karaseva, L.M. Fedorova Publisher: Agricultural Biology Editorial Office NPO Address: build. 16/1, office 36, pr. Polesskii, Moscow, 125367 Russia Tel: + 7 (916) 027-09-12 E-mail: felami@mail.ru, elein-k@yandex.ru Internet: http://www.agrobiology.ru For citation: Agricultural Biology, Сельскохозяйственная биология, Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya biologiya ISSN 0131-6397 (Russian ed. Print) ISSN 2313-4836 (Russian ed. Online) ISSN 2412-0324 (English ed. Online) © Agricultural Biology Editorial Office (Редакция журнала «Сельскохозяйственная биология»), 2020
SEL’SKOKHOZYAISTVENNAYA BIOLOGIYA [AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGY], 2020, Vol. 55, ¹ 5 CONTENTS REVIEWS, CHALLENGES Goncharova Yu.K., Kharitonov E.M., Оchkas N.A. et al. Features of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties for organic farming in connection with marker assisted breeding (review) . SELECTION AND SEED PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLE CROPS IN RUSSIA (the 100th anniversary of the Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing) Pivovarov V.F., Soldatenko A.V., Pyshnaya O.N. et al. Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing — 100-year history as a basis for future developments (review) . Balashova I.T., Sirota S.M., Pinchiuk E.V. Large fruit of tomato Solanum lycopersicum L.: genetic determinants, organogenesis and fruit development (review) . . . Domblides A.S., Bondareva L.L., Pivovarov V.F. Assessment of genetic diversity among headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) accessions by using SSR markers . . . . Engalycheva I.A., Kozar Е.G., Domblides A.S. et al. Development peculiarities of Bean common mosaic virus (Potyvirus, Potyviridae) in Moscow region and initial material for resistance breeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gins M.S., Gins V.K., Motyleva S.M. et al. The metabolites of autotrophic and heterotrophic leaves of Amaranthus tricolor L. Early Splendor variety . . . . . . . Soldatenko A.V., Buharov A.F., Baleev D.N. et al. Impact of high temperature on growth of embryo and germination of heteromorphic seeds of Anethum graveolens L. (Apiaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY Nazarov A.M., Garankov I.N., Tuktarova I.O. et al. Hormone balance and shoot growth in wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plants as influenced by sodium humates of the granulated organic fertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rudakova A.S., Rudakov S.V., Artemyeva А.М. et al. Polymorphism of esterase isoenzymes of ripe seeds of samples of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) . . . . . . . Malyukova L.S., Nechaeva T.L., Zubova M.Yu. et al. Physiological and biochemical characterization of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) microshoots in vitro: the norm, osmotic stress, and effects of calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . POTATO FARMING: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES Gadjiyev N.M., Lebedeva V.A., Rybakov D.A. et al. On using data from marker-assisted selection of source material and intervarietal hybrids in practical potato breeding Kim I.V., Volkov D.I., Zakharenko V.M. et al. Composition and quantification of antocians in healthy-diet potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties for growing and selection in the Russian Far East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLANT VIRUSES AS TOOLS FOR BIOTECHNOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryabchevskaya E.M., Evtushenko E.A., Arkhipenko M.V. et al. Novel approach for designing rotavirus vaccine candidate based on two plant viruses . . SOIL MICROORGANISMS Abakumov E.V., Loyko S.V., Istigechev G.I. et al. Soils of Chernevaya taiga of Western Siberia — morphology, agrochemical features, microbiota . . . . RESEARCH METHODS Ilina E.L., Kiryushkin A.S., Demchenko K.N. Features of fluorescent protein application to study the root system development of cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae) . . . . . . 1040 981 995 1004 1018 . . . . 861 876 890 901 920 932 847 945 956 970 1057

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