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Первый авторShishatskiy
АннотацияObjective process of integration of Krasnoyarsk into the national and world economy, science, culture have made Krasnoyarsk to compete with other cities for investments, the qualifi ed labor, in granting higher standard of living to the population. To sustain the competition, to the city it is necessary in the right direction to use the internal drivers of economic growth and to be positioned in the best way in the national and world markets, make no mistakes at the choice of perspective specialization and in the strategic plan , correctly predict new needs and technological breaks for the 21st century The structural modernization of Krasnoyarsk’s economy is necessary for this purpose. It demands carrying out purposeful investment policy the key aspects of which are: the growth stimulation, accumulation and management of all types of investment resources; optimization of structure of use of investments in the priority directions; a solution of the problem of disproportions and ensuring complexity in a development of the city.
Shishatskiy, NikolaiG. INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF STRUCTURAL MODERNIZATION OF THE KRASNOYARSK ECONOMY / NikolaiG. Shishatskiy // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №11 .— С. 246-256 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576227 (дата обращения: 14.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2016 9) 2792-2802 ~ ~ ~ УДК 332.1 Investment Potential of Structural Modernization of the Krasnoyarsk Economy Nikolai G. Shishatskiy* Krasnoyarsk Department of Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS 50/45 Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia Received 14.08.2016, received in revised form 26.09.2016, accepted 27.10.2016 Objective process of integration of Krasnoyarsk into the national and world economy, science, culture have made Krasnoyarsk to compete with other cities for investments, the qualifi ed labor, in granting higher standard of living to the population. <...> To sustain the competition, to the city it is necessary in the right direction to use the internal drivers of economic growth and to be positioned in the best way in the national and world markets, make no mistakes at the choice of perspective specialization and in the strategic plan , correctly predict new needs and technological breaks for the 21st century. <...> It demands carrying out purposeful investment policy the key aspects of which are: the growth stimulation, accumulation and management of all types of investment resources; optimization of structure of use of investments in the priority directions; a solution of the problem of disproportions and ensuring complexity in a development of the city. <...> Krasnoyarsk is a major industrial cultural center of Eastern Siberia, and the capital of Krasnoyarsk Territory as the second-largest subject of Russia. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: nik@ksc.krasn.ru # 2792 # at the intersection of existing and potential continental railway, automobile, air and naval roads determines development of the city as the biggest industrial as well as transport and logistics center outlines its consolidating role in establishing a single economic and political space of Russia and enables an intensive growth of economy and other urban spheres, basing Nikolai G. Shishatskiy. <...> Investment Potential of Structural Modernization of the Krasnoyarsk Economy on the expansion of international economic activity and cooperation. <...> Due to the advantages of its economic and geographical position and also as a result of effective cooperation of under the priority strategic focuses, Krasnoyarsk is increasingly enhancing its demographic, economic, investment and scientifi c potential and becoming one of the most rapidly growing cities in the country. <...> The city capacity and residents’ development kept to success of several strategic directions and its major results were the following: 1. <...> Development of the transport <...>