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Социально-политические науки  / №2 2014


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Первый авторRozehnal Aleš
АннотацияFalse advertisement means the distribution of information about one’s own or someone else’s enterprise, products or performances, which has the capacity to induce a false impression and thus establish favour to one’s own or someone else’s enterprise in competition to the detriment of other competitors, consumers or customers. Advertisement does not need to be a 100per cent true or complete, and cannot be restricted to the point where it would become impossible. The falsity is thus judged namely with respect to the characteristics of the advertised goods or services, especially their availability, make, origin, utilization, suitability for use, results that may be expected from the use, and results of the tests or inspections of goods or services, as well as to the price or method of calculation thereof, and the conditions under which the goods is supplied and the services are provided. It is always necessary in an advertisement to expect a certain exaggeration or adornment of the fact; otherwise, it would cease to be an advertisement and remain unnoticed. However, the law does have some requirement for its verity. It is sufficient if the advertisement has the capacity to deceive, while the deception may not occur at all. False advertisement mostly contains incorrect information, i.e. the information which does not comply with reality. However, it is not sufficient for an advertisement to become false by containing untrue information; it must also provide one’s own or someone else’s enterprise with a benefit in the economic competition to the detriment of other competitors or consumers, and there must be a causal link between the untrue information and the provision of a benefit to the detriment of others. Comparative advertisement is not a special type of advertisement but only a special type of presentation of goods, services or competitors. It is any advertisement which directly or indirectly identifies another competitor or goods or services offered by another competitor. Comparative advertisement may be classified in four groups as follows: criticising comparative advertisement, personal comparative advertisement, supporting comparative advertisement, systemic comparative advertisement. A conceptual element of the comparative advertisement is the identification of another competitor or goods or services offered by another competitor
Rozehnal, A. FALSE AND COMPARATIVE ADVERTISMENT / A. Rozehnal // Социально-политические науки .— 2014 .— №2 .— С. 38-42 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/575405 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

D, Attorney-at-Law in Prague, Head of the Department of Law of the Banging College, Assistant of the Faculty of Humanitarian Studies, Charles University, Prague, External lecturer of the Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague Place of employment: Advokбtnн kancelбř Rozehnal & Kuchař, Charles University in Prague Praha, Charles University in Prague rozehnal@ak-rozehnal.cz Abstract: False advertisement means the distribution of information about one’s own or someone else’s enterprise, products or performances, which has the capacity to induce a false impression and thus establish favour to one’s own or someone else’s enterprise in competition to the detriment of other competitors, consumers or customers. <...> Advertisement does not need to be a 100per cent true or complete, and cannot be restricted to the point where it would become impossible. <...> The falsity is thus judged namely with respect to the characteristics of the advertised goods or services, especially their availability, make, origin, utilization, suitability for use, results that may be expected from the use, and results of the tests or inspections of goods or services, as well as to the price or method of calculation thereof, and the conditions under which the goods is supplied and the services are provided. <...> False advertisement mostly contains incorrect information, i.e. the information which does not comply with reality. <...> However, it is not sufficient for an advertisement to become false by containing untrue information; it must also provide one’s own or someone else’s enterprise with a benefit in the economic competition to the detriment of other competitors or consumers, and there must be a causal link between the untrue information and the provision of a benefit to the detriment of others. <...> Comparative advertisement is not a special type of advertisement but only a special type of presentation of goods, services or competitors. <...> It is any advertisement which directly or indirectly identifies another competitor or goods or services offered by another competitor. <...> Keywords: advertisement, comparative advertisement, competitor, economic competition, false advertisement, false information, falsity, incompleteness, untruthfulness False advertisement means the distribution of information about one’s own or someone else’s enterprise, products or performances, which has the capacity to induce a false impression and thus establish favour <...>