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Журнал структурной химии  / №1 2016


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Первый авторAzizi-Toupkanloo
АвторыTayyari S.F.
АннотацияDensity functional theory (DIT) levels are employed to calculate the vibrational frequencies and geometrical data of p-diketones. We evaluate the relative performance of the different levels by comparing theoretical results to experimental values. The applied DFT levels in this work are B3LYP, BLYP, B3P86, B3PW91, BPW91, G96LYP, BP86, and G96PW91 with the standard 6-31G, 6-31G*, 6-31G**, 6-3 KG**, 6-31++G**, 6-311G**, 6-311++G** basis sets. The best results are obtained at the B3LYP, B3PW91, and B3P86 levels.
Azizi-Toupkanloo, H. DENSITY FUNCTIONAL EFFICIENCY IN THE CALCULATIONS OF VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURES OF p-DIKETONES / H. Azizi-Toupkanloo, S.F. Tayyari // Журнал структурной химии .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 72-81 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/355778 (дата обращения: 05.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

2016.  57,  1 UDC 548.737:543.422 DENSITY FUNCTIONAL EFFICIENCY IN THE CALCULATIONS OF VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURES OF i-DIKETONES H. Azizi-Toupkanloo, S.F. Tayyari Department of Chemistry, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran E-mail: Ho_azizi60@yahoo.com Received December, 27, 2014 Revised April, 8, 2015 Density functional theory (DFT) levels are employed to calculate the vibrational frequencies and geometrical data of i-diketones. <...> These types of hydrogen bonds exist in various organic compounds and biomolecules, such as hormones, coenzymes, proteins, and i-diketones (i-dicarbonyl compounds). <...> Among these compounds, i-diketones are the simplest molecules involved in O—H…O intramolecular hydrogen bonds. <...> Therefore, in order to predict their physical properties or even choose one suitable for a specific application, it is necessary to make a link between the fundamental properties of the system, such as molecular interactions, electronic structure, and chemical properties of i-diketones. <...> Different parameters, such as the conformational and structural properties of i-diketones, the possibility of diketo-enol tautomerization, and the nature of the strong intramolecular O—H  O hydrogen bond in the enol form were considered by scientists because the enol form of i-diketones is stabilized by a strong intramolecular hydrogen bond (Fig. 1). <...> The resonance conjugation of ƒ-electrons is enhanced due to the formation of the hydrogen bond, which causes a marked tendency for the equalization of the bond orders of valence bonds in the resulting six-membered chelate ring [ 13, 14 ]. <...> Structures of enolic acetylacetone theoretical and experimental point of view, the mobility of the hydrogen atom in these compounds determines a considerable number of interesting properties of these compounds. <...> For instance, the vibrational spectra of these compounds have been the subject of several investigations which support the existence of a strong intramolecular hydrogen bond in the enol form of i-dicarbonyl compounds [ 9, 14, 15 ]. <...> Acetylacetone (CH3C(O)CH2C(O)CH3), one of the simple members of this class of compounds, has been studied both experimentally and theoretically to find that it is asymmetrical in its most stable conformation [ 7—9, 16 ]. <...> Acetylacetone was observed in keto and enol forms of tautomers (Fig. 2). <...> As this figure shows, the population of the enolic form of acetylacetone, which exists as a six-membered hydrogen-bonded ring <...>