Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 637401)
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Первый авторCansev
АвторыGungor Kahraman, Ozer Basak
ИздательствоМ.: ПРОМЕДИА
Cansev, M. Identification from human bite marks / M. Cansev, Kahraman Gungor, Basak Ozer // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология. .— 2014 .— №3 .— С. 35-36 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/341324 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY NEW COMPUTER PROGRAM “FACE-ON-FACE” AS A NEW PRACTICAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT Maurer Andrey1 , Savinetsky Alexandr2 , Syroezhkin German2 1Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 2National Research Nuclear University (NRNU MEPHI), Moscow, Russia The program Face-on-Face was developed for optimization of creating of composite portraits (CP) (of the face and body) according to F. Galton by means of new digital images. <...> Composite portrait is a kind of cognitive tool that allows visualizing the integrated variability of morphological characteristics of the human face – in sex, age, race (ethno-territorial) aspects. <...> An algorithm of creating portraits consists of the following: fi rst, the average interpupillary distance for the entire sample (in pixels) is calculated, then all of the individual images are restricted (reduced or increased, respectively) to found the average interpupillary distance and simultaneously stretch or shorten in height, reaching the average distance between an oral point and a horizontal line passing through the pupils. <...> Color of a pixel at each point is the average of all pixels of the points with all the images. <...> The sequence of the overlay does not affect the fi nal image. <...> Due to the transformation of each image into a mathematical model the combining process is fast enough. <...> Therefore, CP could be created for 10–15 minutes depending on the image resolution. <...> A tool “ruler” allows to take measurements relying on the bar existing in the frame scale. <...> Tool “symmetry” allows to slice an image of the face ( or of the body) by sagittal line and then to “glue” the halves – left with left, right with right. <...> The experience of creating of CP relying on three points in the three classic standards – “full face”, “3/4”, and “profi le”, yielded unique CPs of Russian Altai children, some of the peoples of northern Eurasia, Negroid of East Africa, etc. <...> We received an interesting result of CP generated with 27 base points. <...> The developed model can be used by researchers, museum staff, forensic experts and other specialists. <...> Key words: anthropological photography, composite portrait, computer software, appearance features, visualization Contact information: e-mail: Maurer Andrey, e-mail: foto-rer@yandex.ru. <...> IDENTIFICATION FROM HUMAN BITE MARKS: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY <...>

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