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Русская мысль

Русская мысль №1 2013 (249,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучный, литературно-художественный, социальный и политический журнал. Издается с 1991 года. Центральный печатный орган Международной неправительственной общественной организации «Всемирный Русский Собор», Международной монархической организации ЕИВ Павла Второго «Русский Императорский Дом», Международной научной общественной организации «Русское Физическое Общество».
Русская мысль .— 2013 .— №1 .— 64 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/241397 (дата обращения: 11.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

MOSCOW NIGHTLIFE: 8 Places not to Be Missed The Fast Life and Slow Death of BORIS BEREZOVSKY PREVIEW: RUSSIAN ART WEEK in London Contents The Fast Life and Slow Death of BORIS BEREZOVSKY PREVIEW: RUSSIAN ART WEEK in London RUSSIANS AND PARTIES. <...> Contacts: Editorial Staff : olga@russianmind.com General enquiries: info@russianmind.com Distribution: musatova@russianmind.com Advertising: olga.sokolova@russianmind.com Address: 40 Langham Street, London W1W 7AS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 207 637 1374 www.RussianMind.com 18 Direct Dialogue between the Ukraine and the UK 22 The Most Important Russian Holidays Dr Charles Tannock MEP: “Dialogue not Demonisation” 14 Russian Parties – A Refl ection of the The Fast Life and Slow Death of Boris Berezovsky Russian Banking Enters a New Phase 5 6 10 26 Buranovskiye Babushki: “The Best Party is when the Family Comes Together 3 30 Grigory Leps: “I Often Shout at Myself” № 1 (26) Spring 2013 Contents 34 James Blair: Passionate about Music 38 Preview: Russian Art Week in London 46 Russians and Parties. <...> What do the British Say? 44 Party Tips from Maria Shatalova 42 48 When the Night Sets In - We Begin I was a Potato Oligarch 52 Exploring the UK: Hartwell House & Spa Hotel 58 54 Hello to Foreign Russia: the Top 10 Locations RM Guide RM Diary – RussianMind Club Event 60 № 1 (26) Spring 2013 4 www.RussianMind.com Editor Russian Parties – A Reflection of the National Spirit However I believe that to celebrate in Russian style is a great idea. <...> Russians by nature are very open, joyful and hospitable people. <...> When Russians celebrate something, they put into the party a piece of their soul and a Russian soul knows no limits. <...> One can say it is rudeness, others R ussians are distinguished by their social, financial or cultural levels, political views and religious beliefs but the passion for party has been attributed to every Russian person, becoming the common national trait of their character <...>
RussianMind №1 (26), Spring 2013, www.RussianMind.com RUSSIANS AND PARTIES... What do the British Say? MOSCOW NIGHTLIFE: 8 Places not to Be Missed The Fast Life and Slow Death of BORIS BEREZOVSKY PREVIEW: RUSSIAN ART WEEK in London
Contents The Fast Life and Slow Death of BORIS BEREZOVSKY PREVIEW: RUSSIAN ART WEEK in London RUSSIANS AND PARTIES... What do the British Say? MOSCOW NIGHTLIFE: 8 Places not to Be Missed RM Team Acting Editor Olga Kudriavtseva Layout www.design2pro.ru A.D. – Mikhail Kurov Designer – Ala Costash Managing Director Azamat Sultanov Deputy Managing Director Daria Alyukova Advertising Olga Sokolova IT Director Oleksii Vyshnikov Sub Editor Julia Gobert Distribution Ekaterina Musatova In print: Mark Hollingsworth, Ben Aris, Richard Royal, Stanislav Komarov, Ekaterina Poroshina, Theodora Clarke, Richard Bloss, Ecaterina Kilian, Alexander Malkov. Contacts: Editorial Staff : olga@russianmind.com General enquiries: info@russianmind.com Distribution: musatova@russianmind.com Advertising: olga.sokolova@russianmind.com Address: 40 Langham Street, London W1W 7AS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 207 637 1374 www.RussianMind.com 18 Direct Dialogue between the Ukraine and the UK 22 The Most Important Russian Holidays Dr Charles Tannock MEP: “Dialogue not Demonisation” 14 Russian Parties – A Refl ection of the The Fast Life and Slow Death of Boris Berezovsky Russian Banking Enters a New Phase 5 6 10 26 Buranovskiye Babushki: “The Best Party is when the Family Comes Together 3 30 Grigory Leps: “I Often Shout at Myself” № 1 (26) Spring 2013

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