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The Paton Welding Journal

The Paton Welding Journal №6 2009 (880,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал «The Paton Welding Journal” – английский перевод журнала «Автоматическая сварка»
The Paton Welding Journal .— 2009 .— №6 .— 50 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/202679 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Paton Electric Welding Institute of те NAS of Ukraine Publisher: lntemaiiorralAssocrarron «Welding:тылы/опа! <...> А|уозп1п LLDiltey GUan Dian D. чип Hole V.l.Lysak N.l.Nikilorov B,E.Paton YaFilarczyk цветам G.A,Turichln Zhang Yanmin A.S.ZubchErIkD (Russia) (Germany) (Chi па) (Germany) (Russia) (Russia) (Ukrain e) (Poland) (Germany) (Russia) (China) (Russia) Promotion mu : длинами мммроаащ A.T.Zelnichenko (exec. director) Transistors. <...> Selection of thermal conditions of welding hardening steels of different structure classes HyabtseviA., Kondratiev IA, Gadzyr‘a N.F.. <...> Peculian‘ties of low-amperage argon-arc and microplasma powder cladding on narrow substrate .. <...> NASU, Kiev, Ukraine Considered is the procedure for estimation of growth of fatigue cracks in reinforcement of one-sided butt weld on a longitudinal beam of freight flat car at the preset range of random cyclic loading. <...> However, the se quence of application of ranges of such timeedependent loads causes certain difficulties in estimation of the development of fatigue cracks because of its substantial non-linearity with regard to geometric sizes of а crack. <...> The study considers а surface (semielliptical) crack (Figure 1), when its characteristic geometrical sizes c and а grow according to equation (1) per cycleAN = = 1 [l]: 2: . k в ' rim i Figure 1. <...> Schematic of surface (semielliptical) crack in structure element with thickness б loaded by membrane stresses a,“ '2 VJ MAKHNENKO and. “flu. <...> ROMANOVA. 2009 2 штативы/н. :de = Сожги). if Щ > MM) (1 = a, c); Щ (1) W = 0. if AKi < Актов); where AKl is the range of variations in stress intensity factor КМ), respectively, at apex of the crack with sizes с and a (see Figure 1): AK: = KW!) — Iowa); <23 R = KW/ Т”; (3) Co and т are the experimental characteristics of a material within the crack zone [1]; and AKth(R) is the threshold value of КМ) obtained experimentally [1]. <...> The values of Ki““(f) and Юта) are found from the known values given in [l] and from the other <...>