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Первый авторЛюбимова З. А.
АвторыБогатова Ю. А., Родионова И. В.
ИздательствоИздательство ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого
АннотацияГлавной целью пособия является практическое овладение основными правилами английской орфографии. Материалы пособия подготовлены в соответствии с программой по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка на I курсе. Пособие построено на лексическом материале, содержащемся в учебниках и учебных пособиях, включенных в список обязательной литературы для студентов I курса. Пособие состоит из трех частей и приложения. Первая и вторая части содержат сводные таблицы правил орфографии, включающих в себя правила слогоделения, правописания, правописания нечитаемых букв, удвоение согласных, а также правила чтения различных буквосочетаний. Третья часть пособия содержит разнообразные упражнения и диктанты для самоконтроля. В приложении студентам сообщаются дополнительные сведения о слогоделении, а также основные правила оформления письменной речи. Предлагаемое пособие по орфографии английского языка предназначено для студентов I курса, обучающихся по специальности «Филологическое образование» (бакалавриат).
Любимова, З.А. Пиши грамотно = Сorrect spelling : Учеб. пособие по английской орфографии для студентов 1 курса, обучающихся по направлению «Филологическое образование» / Ю.А. Богатова, И.В. Родионова; З.А. Любимова .— Тула : Издательство ТГПУ им.Л.Н.Толстого, 2009 .— 72 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/186538 (дата обращения: 25.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Толстого ПИШИ ГРАМОТНО Учебное пособие по английской орфографии для студентов I курса, обучающихся по направлению «Филологическое образование» Тула Издательство ТГПУ им. <...> Бухмастова (кафедра переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации ТГПУ им. <...> Without words we would be unable to convey our thoughts through language. <...> Anyone who tries to make himself understood in a foreign language knows that a word is a particular string of letters united with a meaning which must be united with specific sounds in order for the sounds or the meaning to be a word in our mental lexicon. <...> Thus when you know a word you know both its meaning and its forms represented by sounds in pronunciation and by letters in spelling (or orthography). <...> The many changes that have occurred in the sound system of English since then are not reflected in the current spelling, which was frozen due to widespread printed material and scholastic conservatism. <...> For these reasons, modern English orthography does not always represent what we know about the phonology of the language. <...> It is not possible to maintain a perfect correspondence between pronunciation and spelling, nor is it 100 percent desirable. <...> A morpheme may be pronounced differently when it occurs in different contexts. <...> The identical spelling reflects the fact that the different pronunciations represent the same morpheme. <...> For instance, this is the case with the plural morpheme which is always spelled with an s despite being pronounced [s] in cats and [z] in dogs. <...> The sound of the morpheme is determined by rules, in this case as in other cases. <...> Similarly, the phonetic realizations of the vowels in the following forms follow a regular pattern: [ai] / [i] [i:] / [e] [ei] / [æ]æ divine / divinity serene / serenety sane / sanity sign / signature obscene / obscenity humane / humanity These considerations have led scholars to suggest that English orthography in addition to being phonemic is morphophonemic. <...> Thus despite a certain lack of correspondences between sound and spelling, the spelling often reflects speakers’ phonological and morphological knowledge. <...> Without any reference to morphology or to the meaning, it is possible to say that such nonsense words as 4 ‘mimsy’, ‘slithy’, ‘wade’, ‘toves’etc. from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ (Lewis Carol) are English <...>
Федеральное агентство по образованию ГОУ ВПО Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л. Н. Толстого ПИШИ ГРАМОТНО Учебное пособие по английской орфографии для студентов I курса, обучающихся по направлению «Филологическое образование» Тула Издательство ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого 2009
ББК 81.2Англ – 923 П32 Рецензент – кандидат филологических наук Г. А. Бухмастова (кафедра переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого) Коллектив авторов: З. А. Любимова, Ю. А. Богатова, И. В. Родионова, И. В. Мельникова, А. А. Чусова, Ю. А. Разоренова, И. Б. Елисеева, Н. А. Хван, Д. С. Храмченко, Л. А. Салищева, Е. В. Лухина, Ю. А. Егорова, Т. Н. Климова Пиши грамотно = Сorrect spelling: Учеб. пособие по английской орфографии П32 для студентов 1 курса, обучающихся по направлению «Филологическое образование».– Тула: Изд-во Тул. гос. пед ун-та им. Л. Н. Толстого, 2009.– 72 с. Главной целью пособия является практическое овладение основными правилами английской орфографии. Материалы пособия подготовлены в соответствии с программой по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка на I курсе. Пособие построено на лексическом материале, содержащемся в учебниках и учебных пособиях, включенных в список обязательной литературы для студентов I курса. Пособие состоит из трех частей и приложения. Первая и вторая части содержат сводные таблицы правил орфографии, включающих в себя правила слогоделения, правописания, правописания нечитаемых букв, удвоение согласных, а также правила чтения различных буквосочетаний. Третья часть пособия содержит разнообразные упражнения и диктанты для самоконтроля. В приложении студентам сообщаются дополнительные сведения о слогоделении, а также основные правила оформления письменной речи. Предлагаемое пособие по орфографии английского языка предназначено для студентов I курса, обучающихся по специальности «Филологическое образование» (бакалавриат). ББК 81.2Англ – 923 Учебное издание ПИШИ ГРАМОТНО Учебное пособие по английской орфографии для студентов 1 курса, обучающихся по направлению «Филологическое образование» Подготовка оригинал-макета – О. А. Нестерова. Художественное оформление – Е. А. Свиридова. Подписано в печать 24.12.2009. Формат 60 Ч 90/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Таймс». Печать трафаретная. Усл. печ. л. 4,5. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ 09/070. «С» 1166. Издательство Тульского государственного педагогического университета им. Л. Н. Толстого. 300026, Тула, просп. Ленина, 125. Отпечатано в Издательском центре ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого. 300026, Тула, просп. Ленина, 125. © Коллектив авторов, 2009 © Издательство ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого, 2009
Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................. Part I ........................................................................................................................ Syllabication............................................................................................................ The Silent –e............................................................................................................ The Final –y............................................................................................................. Part II....................................................................................................................... Silent Letters............................................................................................................ Consonant Doubling................................................................................................ Part III...................................................................................................................... The Individual Consonant Symbols ........................................................................ Part IV ..................................................................................................................... Exercises.................................................................................................................. Family...................................................................................................................... Home ....................................................................................................................... Meals ....................................................................................................................... Daily Routine .......................................................................................................... Leisure ..................................................................................................................... Nature ...................................................................................................................... Shopping.................................................................................................................. Appendix ................................................................................................................. On Punctuation........................................................................................................ 3
Introduction Every speaker of every language knows about tens of thousands of words. Without words we would be unable to convey our thoughts through language. Words are an important part of linguistic knowledge and constitute a component of our mental grammars and phonetics. Anyone who tries to make himself understood in a foreign language knows that a word is a particular string of letters united with a meaning which must be united with specific sounds in order for the sounds or the meaning to be a word in our mental lexicon. Thus when you know a word you know both its meaning and its forms represented by sounds in pronunciation and by letters in spelling (or orthography). The current English spelling system is based primarily on the early pronunciations of words. The many changes that have occurred in the sound system of English since then are not reflected in the current spelling, which was frozen due to widespread printed material and scholastic conservatism. For these reasons, modern English orthography does not always represent what we know about the phonology of the language. The disadvantage is partially offset by the fact that the writing system allows us to read and understand what people wrote hundreds of years ago without the need of translation. But language changes. It is not possible to maintain a perfect correspondence between pronunciation and spelling, nor is it 100 percent desirable. For instance, in case of homophones, it is helpful at times to have different spellings for the same sounds, as in the following pairs: The book was red. The book was read. There are also reasons for using the same spelling for different pronunciations. A morpheme may be pronounced differently when it occurs in different contexts. The identical spelling reflects the fact that the different pronunciations represent the same morpheme. For instance, this is the case with the plural morpheme which is always spelled with an s despite being pronounced [s] in cats and [z] in dogs. The sound of the morpheme is determined by rules, in this case as in other cases. Similarly, the phonetic realizations of the vowels in the following forms follow a regular pattern: [ai] / [i] [i:] / [e] divine / divinity sign / signature serene / serenety obscene / obscenity [ei] / [æ]æ sane / sanity humane / humanity These considerations have led scholars to suggest that English orthography in addition to being phonemic is morphophonemic. Thus despite a certain lack of correspondences between sound and spelling, the spelling often reflects speakers’ phonological and morphological knowledge. Without any reference to morphology or to the meaning, it is possible to say that such nonsense words as 4
‘mimsy’, ‘slithy’, ‘wade’, ‘toves’etc. from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ (Lewis Carol) are English and ‘kpso’ and ‘frple’ cannot be English as far as the combinations of sounds are concerned. And because of the specific grouping and distribution of the sounds in different languages one and the same word may, with certainty, be interpreted as bisyllabic by a speaker of one language, and as thrisyllabic by a speaker of another language. Syllabics The main focus in this section is on syllable - a unit higher than a sound,the shortest segment of spoken continuum and a material carrier of words. The syllable is one or more sounds, forming a single uninterrupted unit of utterance. The syllable can be considered as both a phonetic and phonological unit. As a phonetic unit it can be defined in terms of the articulatory, acoustic and auditory (perceptional) characteristics with universal application for all languages. As a phonological unit the syllable can be defined and described only with reference to the structure of one particular language. The very term ‘syllable’ denotes particular ways in which phonemes are combined in a language. Each language has its own way of syllabification or syllabication, i.e. syllable formation and syllable division. Even the ancient Greek scholars noticed that the two main phonological types of sounds – vowels (V) and consonants (C) – participate in the process of syllabification. But the function of a vowel is to occupy the central position in the combinations of sounds due to its articulatory and acoustic features, while consonants serve as the margins of the sound combinations, V [a:], CV [ka:], VC [a:t], CVC [ka:t], CCVC [skeit], CCVCC [skeits], CCCVC [stri:t], CCCVCC [stri:ts], CCVCCCC [twelfөs]. The analysis of the word cramped given below as a model of a structure of the one-syllable English word: Initial k Post-initial r ------------------------Onset ж Peak Pre-final m Final p Post-final t -----------------------------------Coda In other words, vowels are always syllabic (capable of forming syllables), but consonants in most cases are incapable of forming syllables without vowels except some sonorants that can be syllabic [m],[n],ή],[l] after consonants. The study of the possible phoneme combinations of a language is called phonotactics. In English the word can begin with a vowel, or with one, two or three consonants. No word begins with more than three consonants. In the same way, the word can end with a vowel, or with one, two, three, or (in a small 5
number of cases) four consonants. No word ends with more than four consonants. However the majority of words in English are polysyllabic(of more than one syllable) and have come from other languages. Among them easily recognizable words (came from Latin) such as permit, submit, commit, combining mit with the prefixes per-, sub-, com-. Greek has given us such words as dialogue, catalogue, analogue etc. Complex words are of two types: words made from a basic word form (which is called the stem), with the addition of affixes (prefixes and suffixes); and compound words, which are made of two (or occasionally more) independent words: ice-cream, armchair and many others. The important point to remember is, that both phonological (primarily) and morphological (in many cases) external structure of the words united with the meaning – internal structure of the words, to be taken into consideration in syllabication – division of the polysyllabic words in English. 6