Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638366)
Компетентность/Competency (Russia)

Компетентность/Competency (Russia) №3 2010 (290,00 руб.)

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АннотацияМежотраслевой научно-практический журнал. Инновации, конкурентоспособность, техническое регулирование, метрология, менеджмент, подготовка кадров. Выходит с 2000 года (прежнее название «Квалификация и качество»). Входит в Перечень ВАК.
Компетентность/Competency (Russia) : Научно-практический журнал .— Москва : Академия стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации (учебная) .— 2010 .— №3 .— 59 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/139989 (дата обращения: 10.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

OM|'|ETEHTHO(§Tb 201 О АСПЭКТЫ инновационного рЗЗВИТИЯ 12/ О НЕОБХОДИМОСТИ МОДЕРНИЗАЦИИ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ БАЗЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ 28/ ЕЩЕ РАЗ О ТЕХНИЧЕСКОМ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИИ 32/ О ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬСКОЙ СТОИМОСТИ ТОВАРА И КАЧЕСТВЕ ПРОДУКЦИИ Государственное образовательное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования Апднпш С Метрологии и Сертификации Е 13 филиалов на всей территории России За 40 лет прошли обучение более 570 тысяч человек, ВКЛЮЧЭЯ специалистов ИЗ 39 стран Европы, Азии, Африки, Америки ё Ё Образование в области: Виды обучения: Аспирантура по научным Ё технического регулирования Профессиональная переподготовка специальностям; Ё обеспечения единства измерении Повышение квалификации 05,0223 стандартизация ” менеджмента качества Подготовка кандидатов в эксперты и управление качеством продукции экологического менеджмента Дополнительное (к высшему) 05,1115 метрология ОбРдЗОВЭНИЁ и метрологическое обеспечение ВЫДЭЮТСЯ документы ГОСУДЭРСТВЕННОГО образца 109443, MOCKBa, Волгоградский просп, 90, корпЛ Тел. (499) 172—47—30. <...> E—ma\l: mfo@asms.ru Компетентность 3/74/201 О Уважаемые авторы и читатели нашего журнала, мы в Перечне ВАКа! <...> Всегда приятно не только сознавать полезНОСТЬ СООСТВЕННОГО труда, ОСМЬТСЛЕННОСТЬ НЕООХОДИМОСТИ МЗТЕРИЗЛЬНЬТХ, ИНТЕЛЛЕКтуальных И душевных затрат на развитие дела, КОТОРЬТМ ЗЗНИМЗЕШЬСЯ, НО И ВИДЕТЬ результаты этого труда. <...> Поэтому и редакционная коллегия, и редакция Журнала «КомпетентНОСТЬ» ПОЗДРЗВЛЯЮТ ПОСТОЯННЫХ И НОВЫХ авторов публикуемых материалов, верных ПОДПИСЧИКОВ нашего Журнала, ЕГО читателей и других заинтересованных лиц с важНЬТМ ДЛЯ нас этапом становления Журнала как всероссийского печатного издания, чья ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ посвящена актуальнейшему для российской экономики вопросу — вопросу профессиональной компетентности специалистов В области ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО peгулирования, МЕТРОЛОГИИ И менеджмента. 19 февраля 2010 года решением M9 6/6 Президиума Высшей аттестационной комиссии <...>
Competency 3/74/2010 Rector, State Educational Institution for Further Professional Education Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow Never-ending reforms and responsibility, necessity and importance of educational reform, educational milieu development and its adaptation towards social and economic situation of Russian as well 6 New stage of the reform. Prof. V.A. Novikov, Proas European society are being analyzed by the author. Key words: reforming, education reform, educational milieu, legal environment, Further professional education I.B. Fedorov, Academitian, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector, Bauman State Technical University, Chairman, Moscow Counsil of rectors, President, Russian Assosiation of Technical Universities, Moscow Russian education system is being analyzed. The author indicates the main reasons for its reforming and offers a way out of the 8 Problems with Engineer Training in Russia. Prof. Dr. educational crisis situation, especially in the engineer training Key words: innovative educational systems, innovative society, educational technology, high technologies, engineering education Prof. Dr .L.G. Dubitsky, State Educational Institution for Further Professional Education Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow 12 On Technology Modernization in the Russian economy. Various aspects of the Russian economy modernization, its goals and objectives, necessary conditions for a successful breakthrough in high technologies are being analyzed. Crucial role of modern forms of education in the training of specialists is emphasized. Specialists that are capable to turn Russia to a society focused on progress and radical improvement in the quality of life Key words: modernization, high and critical technologies, priority areas of science, technological development, intellectual potential of the nation, targeting, coaching 16 Aspects of Innovative Development and System Problems of Technical Regulation. Prof. Dr. G.V. Pankina, Rector, State Educational Institution for Further Professional Education Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), ASMS, Moscow, Prof. Dr. L.G. Dubitsky, ASMS, Moscow Scientific, technical and innovative problems are being considered through the prism of technical regulation. Implementation of various research works in the field of Russian economy innovative development and the system problems of technical regulation are discussed in the article Key words: system problems, technical regulation, innovative development, competitiveness, management systems, state-owned corporation 24 On Conceptual problems of Technical Regulation. Prof. Dr. L.G. Dubitsky, State Educational Institution for Further Professional Education Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow In addition to the work [1], the author expounds his views on the national technical regulation system development. Development prospects of a unified information system of technical regulation in the structural and hardware-software are considered Keywords: complex object, technical regulation system, Venture methodology, hazardous landscape, unified information system, expert system, methods of convolution of Coordination Information and Editing Department, State Educational Institution for Further Professional Education Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow Changes in the Federal Law On technical regulation aimed to create an effective system of technical regulation, modern legislative and 28 Technical regulation anew. M.A Ushakov, Head regulatory framework are being discussed in the article Key words: technical regulation, standardization, legislative and regulatory framework, new and modular approaches, efficiency, prestandard 21 On Establishing United Economic Area. I.B. Kuskova, Proof-Reader, Information and Editing Department, State Educational Institution for Further Professional Education Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow International conference Technical regulation 2012. Instruments establishing the United Economic Area was held in Moscow. Problems in a single economic space creation within the Eurasian Economic Community are being discussed Key words: united economic area, technical regulation system, regulatory sphere, harmonization of technical regulations 32 Goods use Value and Quality of Products. Prof. Dr. A.V. Nesterov, State University, High School of Economics, Moscow Quality ratio, use value and product effectiveness are being examined. Moreover, relationships between efficiency, effectiveness and usefulness in the context of value, price and purpose ratio are analyzed in the given article Key words: use value, product quality, value, price, score, goal, customer satisfaction, efficiency, effectiveness Dr. K.L Razumov-Razdolov, Head, Production development, Russian Electrotechnical Concern, Ruselprom, Moscow 38 Improvements in the Quality Planning Process. The author suggests considering quality planning as a process, clearly targeted at achieving concrete results and offers to improve planning procedures and to adopt a common terminology Key words: quality planning, vision and strategic planning, targets, terminology, quality process, methodology LSC, Research Institute, International NonGovernmental Organization, Spectrum, President, Russian Society of NDT and technical diagnostics, Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow The range of hazards in various industries and energy is growing. Researches in security ways and procedures, which will adequately meet new challenges, put an impulse on the problem of monitoring and diagnosis of technogenic sphere 46 Safety Price. Prof. Dr. V.V. Klyuev, Director, Key words: nondestructive testing, technical diagnostics, emergency situation, complex technical systems, technogenic space, antiterrorist safety 48 Industry of Etalon Thermal Converters and Resistance Thermometers. Dr. V.A. Nikonenko, General Director, JSC, Research and Industrial Enterprise Etalon, Omsk, Dr. A.V Ermakov, General director, LSC, Ural Innovative Technologies (LSC URALINTEH), Ekaterinburg, Dr. E.S. Studionok, Quality Director, LSC URALINTEH, Ekaterinburg Russian measurement equipment manufacturers undergo some difficulties in the manufacture of quality thermocouple wire and require some solutions. It is proposed to specify the impurity composition of platinum, as well as to harmonize the regulatory framework for thermometry Key words: standard thermal converter, resistance thermometers, harmonization of standards, platinum, impurities, limiting of size, integral characteristic of platinum