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Краткая география туризма и путешествий на английском языке (для СПО) (2000,00 руб.)

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АвторыЕрмилова Д. В., Рос. междунар. акад. туризма
ИздательствоМ.: Советский спорт
АннотацияУчебное пособие представляет собой краткое введение во всемирную географию туризма и путешествий, для туризма и т.п. Пособие содержит сжатую информацию о состоянии и проблемах современного туризма, представляя страны согласно классификации IATA, дает развернутые комментарии туристских, географических и иных реалий, выделяет ключевые слова и термины для каждого раздела, предлагает вопросы и задания для проверки понимания и усвоения материла по каждому разделу. Рекомендовано для студентов высших учебных заведений, а также учащихся и преподавателей учреждений среднего профессионального образования.
Кому рекомендованоПредназначено для студентов и преподавателей туристских специальностей, изучающих английский язык и географию турцентров, начинающих турконсультантов и турагентов.
Краткая география туризма и путешествий на английском языке (для СПО) = Concise Travel and Tourism Geography in English : учеб.-метод. пособие / Д.В. Ермилова; Рос. междунар. акад. туризма .— Москва : Советский спорт, 2007 .— 124 с. — ISBN 978-5-9718-0181-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/774196 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ББК 26.89 К78 FOREWORD Автор-составитель Д.В. Ермилова К78 Краткая география туризма и путешествий [Текст] = Concise Travel and Tourism Geography in English : учебно-методическое пособие / Д.В. Ермилова; Российская международная академия туризма. – М.: Советский спорт, 2007. – 248 с. ISBN 978-5-9718-0181-8 Учебное пособие представляет собой краткое введение во всемирную географию туризма и путешествий, для туризма и т.п. Пособие содержит сжатую информацию о состоянии и проблемах современного туризма, представляя страны согласно классификации IATA, дает развернутые комментарии туристских, географических и иных реалий, выделяет ключевые слова и термины для каждого раздела, предлагает вопросы и задания для проверки понимания и усвоения материла по каждому разделу. Предназначено для студентов и преподавателей туристских специальностей, изучающих английский язык и географию турцентров, начинающих турконсультантов и турагентов. ББК 26.89 (Travel and Tourism Geography by Diana Ermilova) Abstract: This, Concise Travel and Tourism Geography is meant to be a sort of reference for use in the home, office, higher institution or school by students specializing in tourism, travel consultants and travel agents, teachers and professors teaching this fascinating subject, for those who travel the world and for those who, like Francis Bacon, journey only «in map and chart». The list of states, territories or tourist destinations is arranged according to three areas of IATA tourist destination distribution. Though not intended to be comprehensive this Geography will aid to some extend those who, whilst familiar with the name of the place, are uncertain of just where it lies on a map of global tourism and travel business. This book is a general introduction to the Geography of Travel and Tourism. One point must be emphasized here. The geographic education of travel and tourism professionals lies at the interaction of tourism studies and the discipline of geography. In terms of education, especially textbooks, this is a relatively new field globally. Certainly it’s an evolving field, taking shape and direction largely through the efforts of some enthusiasts. They are still pioneers and there are a lot of shortcomings, but their work should be appreciated and complimented. In Russian this branch of education is just beginning to be paid attention to and has only recently begun to be developed. The book incorporates the collection of lectures for the undergraduates, exclusively developed and read for the period of four years. The present course of lectures is meant at least to some extend to fill a gap in tourism studies for the would-be travel experts – tourism students. This course can be regarded as an attempt to acquaint students with the feel and flavor of some tourist destinations globally. Of course, being still developed, this course can hardly be regarded as comprehensive. But it is intended to be emotional, entertaining, informal and resourceful. The emphasis is on practical «nuts» and «bolts» information, with lists of leisure activities, specific tourist objectives, ratings of hotels, and recommendations of tours and sightseeing as well as general advice and commentary on the local scene of what to expect and what to do. This book serves several purposes. The first is to introduce students of English as a foreign language to Travel-Tourism Geography language in particular and to the language of different vocational fields within the tourist industry in general. ISBN 978-5-9718-0181-8 4 © Ермилова Д.В., 2007 © Оформление. ОАО «Издательство “Советский спорт”», 2007 The second is to give the student an introduction to the particular tourist destination area. Specific tourist destinations and their peculiarities are discussed in great detail in this book. Different kinds of tourist destinations globally are discussed, as well as their distinctive features, major characteristics and problems that accrue to the areas of hospitality. The national flavor of the process of attracting, receiving and welcoming visitors is emphasized without losing sight of the negative results, be they direct or indirect, that may occur in the environment of the destination area. 5
Norway .............................................................................................. 154 Pilgrim Road to Palestine ................................................................... 163 Dubai ................................................................................................. 170 Mali: Timbuktu .................................................................................. 173 Mozambique....................................................................................... 176 Mauritius ............................................................................................ 179 Contents Foreword ................................................................................................ 5 Chapter one ................................................................................. 7 Introduction to Travel and Tourism Geography...................................... 9 Cultural Turn of Traditional Geography .............................................. 10 Physical Geography and the Human Imprint on the Landscape ............ 14 The Role of Culture in Location-Based Leisure .................................... 16 ASTA’s Ten Commandments on Eco-Tourism ....................................... 20 Globalization and Ecotourism: Threat for Indigenous Peoples ............. 22 Geography and Tourism Business ......................................................... 28 Chapter Two.............................................................................. 33 Canada ................................................................................................. 35 Some Canadian Tourist Attractions ...................................................... 45 Ecotourism Routes in the USA .............................................................. 54 Beverly Hills ......................................................................................... 61 Luxurious Miami .................................................................................. 63 Hawaii and the Pacific Islands .............................................................. 69 Jamaica ................................................................................................ 76 The Cayman Islands ............................................................................. 88 Mexico – Cancun .................................................................................. 91 Peru Tourist Industry’s Troubles ........................................................... 99 Brazil ................................................................................................. 102 Chile ................................................................................................... 107 Chapter three .......................................................................... 111 The Euro or the European Monetary Unit .......................................... 113 Tourism and the European Union ....................................................... 118 The Southern Crown of Portugal – Algarvi .......................................... 122 Spain .................................................................................................. 126 Guimar ............................................................................................... 130 Lombardy ........................................................................................... 133 Germany ............................................................................................ 143 Bulgaria ............................................................................................. 151 246 247 Chapter four ............................................................................ 185 Myanmar............................................................................................ 187 Hong Kong......................................................................................... 190 Thailand ............................................................................................. 192 Sri Lanka............................................................................................ 194 The Maldives ...................................................................................... 201 New Guinea ....................................................................................... 210 Australia ............................................................................................. 214 Conclusion ............................................................................... 229 ASTA’s Tips on Overseas Travel ......................................................... 231 Traveling Tips .................................................................................... 234 Packing Tips: The Art of Packing ....................................................... 238 Tipping: Who, When and How Much? ................................................ 241 Reference ............................................................................................ 244

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически
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