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Языковой портфель филолога / Language Portfolio (190,00 руб.)

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АвторыПатрушева Е. В., Красикова Е. Н.
Издательствоизд-во СКФУ
АннотацияПособие призвано не только обеспечить сформированность представлений о целях и задачах общеевропейской языковой политики в условиях межкультурного взаимодействия, но и сформировать критическое лингвистическое мышление и аналитические навыки, необходимые для успешного осуществления профессиональной деятельности
Кому рекомендованоПредназначено для магистрантов 2 года обучения направления подготовки 45.04.02 – Лингвистика
Языковой портфель филолога / Language Portfolio : практикум. Направление подготовки 45.04.02 – Лингвистика. Магистерская программа «Теоретическая и прикладная лингвистика». Магистратура / Е. В. Патрушева, Е. Н. Красикова .— Ставрополь : изд-во СКФУ, 2016 .— 101 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/603387 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

МИНИCTEPCTBO ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ АВТОНОМНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» ЯЗЫКОВОЙ ПОРТФЕЛЬ ФИЛОЛОГА LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO ПРАКТИКУМ Направление подготовки 45.04.02 – Лингвистика Магистерская программа «Теоретическая и прикладная лингвистика» Магистратура Ставрополь 2016 УДК 378.016:811.131.1(075.8) ББК 74.268.1Англ я73 Я 41 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Северо-Кавказского федерального университета Рецензенты: д-р филол. наук, профессор С. <...> Чуднова (ФГБОУ ВПО «СГАУ») Я 41 Языковой портфель филолога / Language Portfolio: практикум / авт.-сост.: Е. <...> Красикова © ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2016 PART 1 Introduction The book will help you feel more confident with the portfolio process, whether you are enrolled in a course, working as an intern, or earning a degree or certification. <...> The European Language Portfolio (ELP) has similar aims with regard to a learner’s language and intercultural competence. <...> The first part of the book introduces the guideline «The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment» which is intended to overcome the barriers to communication among professionals working in the field of modern languages arising from the different educational systems in Europe and aims to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing applied to all languages in Europe. <...> You will also find relevant information on levels of foreign language proficiency and structure, aims and functions and the language portfolio itself. <...> Your tasks as a portfolio 3 LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO: practical training keeper will include tending to your developing ideas, keeping watch over your own learning patterns, helping your peers or collaborators, and being responsible for the final product. <...> Understanding these principles and the importance of reflective learning will give you a good start toward building your portfolio. <...> Mastering the aspects mentioned above will contribute to the formation of the following competences: – the ability to structure and integrate knowledge from different professional spheres and be ready to use and develop the knowledge in the course of accomplishing professional tasks (GPC-13); – the ability to study native language speech behavior, describe new language processes in social, political and cultural life of the foreign <...>
УДК 378.016:811.131.1(075.8) ББК 74.268.1Англ я73 Я 41 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Северо-Кавказского федерального университета Рецензенты: д-р филол. наук, профессор С. В. Гусаренко, канд. псих. наук, доцент О. А. Чуднова (ФГБОУ ВПО «СГАУ») Я 41 Языковой портфель филолога / Language Portfolio: практикум / авт.-сост.: Е. В. Патрушева, Е. Н. Красикова. – Ставрополь: Изд-во СКФУ, 2016. – 101 с. Пособие призвано не только обеспечить сформированность представлений о целях и задачах общеевропейской языковой политики в условиях межкультурного взаимодействия, но и сформировать критическое лингвистическое мышление и аналитические навыки, необходимые для успешного осуществления профессиональной деятельности. Утверждено на заседании кафедры романо-германского языкознания и межкультурной коммуникации (протокол № 4 от 28 октября 2015 г.). Предназначено для магистрантов 2 года обучения направления подготовки 45.04.02 – Лингвистика. УДК 378.016:811.131.1(075.8) ББК 74.268.1Англ я73 Авторы-составители: канд. филол. наук, доцент Е. В. Патрушева, канд. пед. наук, доцент Е. Н. Красикова © ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2016
PART 1 Introduction The book will help you feel more confident with the portfolio process, whether you are enrolled in a course, working as an intern, or earning a degree or certification. It introduces you to a variety of strategies for making sound decisions, for learning something meaningful, and for presenting a successful final product, whatever your goals may be. Portfolios have been used for a long time by various professions as a means to document a person’s achievements. Artists, architects or designers collect samples of their work in portfolios. They use them to demonstrate evidence of their practice, but also to demonstrate how their skills have developed over the years as a consequence of their learning biography. The European Language Portfolio (ELP) has similar aims with regard to a learner’s language and intercultural competence. Devised by the Council of Europe’s Modern Languages Division, it was piloted in 15 Council of Europe member countries, and was launched during the European Year of Languages in 2001. The first part of the book introduces the guideline «The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment» which is intended to overcome the barriers to communication among professionals working in the field of modern languages arising from the different educational systems in Europe and aims to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing applied to all languages in Europe. The main objectives of the Language Policy in Europe, and implemented measures necessary to achieve them are also described. You will also find relevant information on levels of foreign language proficiency and structure, aims and functions and the language portfolio itself. The second part of the book «Language Portfolio» will help you through the steps of collecting, selecting, and presenting your work, all the while emphasizing reflection. You will examine the situation for each project and make many complex and subtle decisions. Throughout this guide, you will find advice and strategies to help you keep track of your learning and to make reasoned choices about the content and appearance of your portfolio. Your tasks as a portfolio 3
LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO: practical training keeper will include tending to your developing ideas, keeping watch over your own learning patterns, helping your peers or collaborators, and being responsible for the final product. The second part of the book is devoted to the two main types of portfolios and the forms contemporary portfolios take. We discuss the characteristics of portfolios, the elements that provide the foundation of every portfolio, whatever its type or form. While the discussion will often focus on writing portfolios, many of the goals and issues apply to other types of portfolio-keeping situations as well. Understanding these principles and the importance of reflective learning will give you a good start toward building your portfolio. Mastering the aspects mentioned above will contribute to the formation of the following competences: – the ability to structure and integrate knowledge from different professional spheres and be ready to use and develop the knowledge in the course of accomplishing professional tasks (GPC-13); – the ability to study native language speech behavior, describe new language processes in social, political and cultural life of the foreign society (GPC-16); – the ability to analyze phenomena and processes necessary to demonstrate and confirm theoretical results of the research (GPC-17); – to own the methods of cognitive and formal natural language modelling and methods of creating metalanguages (PC-18). 4
LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO: practical training Content 3 Introduction Part 1. European Language Portfolio: theoretical points 5 13 20 30 Unit 1. Council of Europe and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Unit 2. Language Policy in Europe Unit 3. Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency Unit 4. European Language Portfolio. Its structure, aims, and functions 48 54 63 76 87 98 Part 2. Keeping a Portfolio Unit 5. Types, principles and forms of portfolios Unit 6. Setting goals and planning electronic portfolio Unit 7. Staying organized and becoming a reflective learner Unit 8. Keeping up and getting unstuck Unit 9. Understanding assessment List of References 100