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Arctic Environmental Research  / Vol. 19, no. 3 2019

Assessment of deciduous trees introduction prospect in the taiga zone (Karelia)

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Первый авторKishchenko
АннотацияThe article aimed at assessing introduction prospect for 32 species of the genera Acer L., Betula L., Fraxinus L., Padus Mill., Syringa L. and Sorbus L. at the Botanical Gardens of Petrozavodsk State University (Southern Karelia, central taiga subzone). The degree of introduction prospect was assessed with the use of the integral assessment method by P. I. Lapin and S. V. Sidneva. Such indicators as annual maturing of shoots, regular growth of axial shoots, winter hardiness of plants, habit preservation, shoot-forming capability, generative reproduction capability, capability to reproduce in plantation were taken into account. It was found that Acer ginnala, Acer platanoides, Betula platyphylla, Betula ulmifolia, Fraxinus excelsior, Padus virginiana, Padus pensylvanica, Padus maackii, Syringa vulgaris, Syringa pubescens, Syringa emodi, Syringa × henryi, Syringa josikaea, Syringa villosa, Syringa vulgaris var. Congo, Sorbus decora, Sorbus virginianis and Sorbus аmericana have the highest prospect rates (80–100 points), the other studied species – fairly high prospect rates (56–79 points). All the studied introduced species of deciduous trees can be successfully used in Karelia for gardening and landscaping purposes. Acer platanoides, Betula platyphylla, Fraxinus excelsior, Padus pensylvanica, Padus maackii, Syringa vulgaris и Sorbus decora show the highest degree of introduction prospect (about100 points).
Kishchenko, I.T. Assessment of deciduous trees introduction prospect in the taiga zone (Karelia) / I.T. Kishchenko // Arctic Environmental Research .— 2019 .— Vol. 19, no. 3 .— С. 87-92 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/714070 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

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