Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 637390)

Daily life (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыМалыхина Надежда Игоревна, Шишкина Наталья Михайловна
ИздательствоИздательский дом ВГУ
АннотацияПодготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендовано студентам 1 курса естественно-научных факультетов.
Daily life / Н.И. Малыхина, Н.М. Шишкина .— Воронеж : Издательский дом ВГУ, 2016 .— 38 с. — 38 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/635663 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Housing Suggested films/programmes/sites to watch and discuss Библиографический список Источники видеоматериала 3 15 22 37 43 44 44 3 Unit 1. <...> Answer the following questions, using the phrases from the HELP box. a) What do you usually cook every day / at weekends? b) HELP box: Expressing your opinion It seems to me that… It appears that… Frankly speaking… I guess/think/believe/admit… It’s no secret that… To be honest / frank …. <...> Personally … I reckon … In my opinion / In my view … Yes, I agree but on the other hand… To my mind… Don’t forget that… Expressing a different opinion Perhaps, but don’t you think that… I see what you mean, but… I can agree with you, but up to a point… That may be true, but… Do you really think that…? <...> Read the words and say which of them are similar in your language? • milk • oil • courgette (AmE zucchini) • bread • sardine • chocolate • mushroom • rice • cauliflower • pulses • meat • pineapple • pasta • broccoli • turkey • yoghurt • banana • peanut • aubergine (AmE eggplant) • asparagus • corn • kiwi • fruit • cashew • lemon • strawberry • almond • melon • mango • apple • blueberry • beans • watermelon • orange • steak • lamb • prawn • parsley • cheesecake • honey • mustard • salmon • cucumber • shrimp • cabbage • grape • plum • peach • pear • peas • potato •onion • garlic 3. <...> Who do you think are the best chefs: men or women? <...> Look at the food pyramid and match the food groups (a—g) below to the sections (1—8) of the pyramid. a) fruit b) meat, fish and poultry c) vegetables d) fats and sugars e) carbohydrates f) pasta g) beans, nuts and seeds h) dairy products, eggs 5 5b. <...> I don’t want to put on weight, so I usually eat ….fish or chicken. <...> Shepherd’s Pie is a traditional dish made from mince and … potato. <...> Now we are going to watch an episode of cooking (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sL2AvbeTAk&feature=youtu.be). <...> HELP box: To compliment use the following <...>
Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unit 1. Let’s cook and eat Unit 2. Let’s go shopping Unit 3. Men and Women Unit 4. Housing Suggested films/programmes/sites to watch and discuss Библиографический список Источники видеоматериала 3 15 22 37 43 44 44 3
5b. Which groups contain foods that are high in: 1) vitamins? 2) protein? 3) fibre? 4) calories? 5) iron? 6) calcium? e.g. Fruit is high in vitamins. 5c. Match the English verbs with their Russian equivalents. mash pinch drip slice chop twist (на)резать в форме кубиков рубить, нарезать тереть (на тёрке) раздавливать, разминать хрустеть, делать хрустящим scrunch crisp dice grate scramble отщипнуть, отделить небольшой кусочек резать ломтиками (на)капать хрустеть, выжимать, давить, выдавливать делать яичницу-болтунью крутить, скручивать 5d. Read the statements describing methods of cooking and preparation and fill in the gaps with an appropriate word: diced, fried, sliced, mashed, boiled, grilled, grated, scrambled 1. The Smiths often eat … eggs for breakfast. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I don’t want to put on weight, so I usually eat ….fish or chicken. You need some … cheese to put on the pizza. Use … to make the sandwiches. You need lots of … fruit to make a fruit salad. Shepherd’s Pie is a traditional dish made from mince and … potato. Chips are … food. Grilled fish and … vegetables is a low-fat meal. 6a. Now we are going to watch an episode of cooking (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sL2AvbeTAk&feature=youtu.be). Try to jot down the ingredients a famous chef, Jamie Oliver, needs. Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6
6b. Which words and phrases that describe the process of cooking have you heard? The way you do it____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 6c. Let’s watch the episode again. This time you are going to focus on the expressions that the chef uses to compliment the food and the way of cooking. 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 7. Describe the meal that you’ve had today using the appropriate expressions from the HELP box. HELP box: To compliment use the following: an inviting looking dish well-flavoured food a special delicacy a real thing lovely coffee To criticize use the following: a sickly-looking dish give satisfaction to the eye and tongue watery and tasteless tender, melting in the mouth uneatable cabbage as tough as old boots with no particular flavour underdone/overdone plain food mouth-watering selection of creamy half-baked 7
cakes quite decent a perfect cup of tea badly made undrinkable tea e.g. I had breakfast this morning that I rather enjoyed / disliked very much. 8. Read a recipe from “Delia Smith’s Cooking Show” and fill in the gaps with a correct form of the appropriate word from the list below. to toast, to brush, chunks, colour, hot coals, to take, to turn Remove the husks and the threads from the sweetcorn, then ….. the kernels all over with the oil, seasoning them liberally with salt and pepper as you go. Place the corns on the grill over ….. and watch them carefully, ….. them around with tongs so that all the kernels get ….. to a golden-brown ….. . The whole process will ..… about 5-10 minutes, depending on how far the corn is from heat. To serve, take your sharpest knife and cut the corns across into…. . These are best eaten using your hands and just taking bites: delicious. 9. All the verbs collocate with “eggs”, “potatoes”, “meat” and “fish”. The vowels are missing. Write in the vowels and add some more verbs. wh_sk be_t po_ch fr_ d_c_ b_k_ fr_ gr_ll fish ch_p st_ff cr_sh po_ch ste_m g_t fl_k_ m_nc_ sk_n sc_le st_ff scr_mbl_ pe_l eggs
b_ _l fr_ scr_p_ sl_c_ gr_te ro_st m_nc_ fr_ b_rb_cu_ gr_ll b_st_ sl_c_ meat c_b_ b_n_ 10. Write a recipe of your favourite dish or make a video how to cook it. Share it with your group. You may need vocabulary from the box below. Useful Vocabulary Freshly-milled (ground) pepper Hot pepper Fresh coriander A twig of parsley Jacket potatoes New potatoes Wine vinegar 9 ro_st ch_p c_t d_c_ potatoes pe_l m_sh sk_n b_k_ ch_p
Balsamic vinegar Drain smth off Cover smth with cling film Simmer gently until it is absolutely tender Transfer smth to a bowl Crush garlic Rub the chicken all over with smth Dress the salad To test if the chicken is cooked, pierce the thickest part of the thigh with a thin skewer Pour off some of the excess fat Allow the flour to brown Carve the chicken and serve Taste and season with salt and pepper Add salt and pepper to taste Season with (pepper) Leave for a while for flavours to develop Beat the pieces of meat out to make them a little thinner All you do is arrange a layer of potatoes, then onions… Mix milk and … and pour it over … Pass the meat through the fine blade of a mixer Cut meat into chunks Bring up to the simmering point Bone meat Gut fish Stone cherries Shell peas Seed a pepper Peel / skin potatoes 11. Сomplete each sentence with a suitable verb from the box. chop roast boil bake fry grate mix peel squeeze add 1) 2) 3) 4) First ___________ the onions into small pieces. __________ some cheese, and sprinkle it over the pasta. These vegetables taste great if you ____ them for a minute in hot oil. I wanted to ______ some cakes this morning, but I didn’t have time. 10