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Первый авторVasil’eva
АннотацияThis article deals with different semantic interpretations of freedom in philosophy’s history, such as necessity, (in) dependence, grace, fate, estrangement, responsibility, choice. We consider choice to be a semantic interpretation of content of the category of freedom and offer a new theoretical model of choice as a phenomenon In order to study the nature of choice more completely, today it is necessary to analyze the concept of choice from the positions of phenomenology and synergetics. Thus, this article describes some new approaches to understanding a choice phenomenon, namely, phenomenological and synergetic approaches, which allow marking out three stages in the mechanism of a choice’s realization. They are immersing into chaos, being in chaos and going out of chaos.
Vasil’eva, NinaA. NEW APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM OF A CHOICE PHENOMENON / NinaA. Vasil’eva // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №10 .— С. 244-252 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576205 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 10 (2016 9) 2538-2546 ~ ~ ~ УДК 122/129 New Approaches to Understanding the Problem of a Choice Phenomenon Nina A. Vasil’eva* Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy Pos. <...> We consider choice to be a semantic interpretation of content of the category of freedom and offer a new theoretical model of choice as a phenomenon. <...> In order to study the nature of choice more completely, today it is necessary to analyze the concept of choice from the positions of phenomenology and synergetics. <...> Thus, this article describes some new approaches to understanding a choice phenomenon, namely, phenomenological and synergetic approaches, which allow marking out three stages in the mechanism of a choice’s realization. <...> They are immersing into chaos, being in chaos and going out of chaos. <...> Hence, choice is a semantic interpretation of the content of the category of freedom. <...> Under the existing conditions of general destabilization of former social, economic, political, ideological structures and heterogeneity and the underdevelopment of new ones, each variant of society’s development, especially in Russia, has no more than an © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: vasileva.nina.66@mail.ru – 2538 – alternative probabilistic character. <...> Therefore, today one of the main tasks in the sphere of social philosophy may be determined as working out a new theoretical model of choice as a phenomenon. <...> Theoretical model of a choice phenomenon (New approaches to understanding the problem) In the post-Soviet philosophy and psychology some original works appeared, where various semantic models of choice were introduced (E.I. Kuz’mina, E.R. Kaliteevskaia, D.A. Leont’ev, G.A. Ball, V.A. Petrovskii, V. Borozdina, Iu. <...> Phenomenological approach: semantic choice models Using a phenomenological method would allow discovering the complex inner nature of a category of choice. <...> The organization of the given method involves investigating the proper intentional structure of consciousness with all essential components and in all directions. <...> The analysis of the intentional structure of consciousness is realized in a reflexive way. <...> In the world of daily thinking our life remains beyond any experience of the intentional direction of consciousness towards objects. <...> Thanks to phenomenological reduction it is possible to ascend to the intentional structure of consciousness. <...> Husserl calls these mutually additional aspects of intentionality “noesis” and “noema <...>