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Мир транспорта и технологических машин  / №1 2015


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Первый авторГлаголев
АннотацияВ статье выделены проблемы развития транспортной отрасли в регионах РФ Показана значимость придорожного сервиса для повышения безопасности дорожного движения и эффективности работы автомобильного транспорта. Представлена реализация развития придорожного сервиса на основе кластерной системы в Белгородской области.
Глаголев, С.Н. РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ КЛАСТЕРНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ПРИДОРОЖНОГО СЕРВИСА В БЕЛГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ / С.Н. Глаголев // Мир транспорта и технологических машин .— 2015 .— №1 .— С. 26-31 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/486787 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

КОНЕВ РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ КЛАСТЕРНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ПРИДОРОЖНОГО СЕРВИСА В БЕЛГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ В статье выделены проблемы развития транспортной отрасли в регионах РФ. <...> Представлена реализация развития придорожного сервиса на основе кластерной системы в Белгородской области. <...> Road transport plays a key role in the transport system of the Russian Federation, and the level of motorization of the population is growing. <...> Along with growing motorization of the population continues to lag behind in the development of transport infrastructure, the road network capacity, as well as its operational status. <...> In a number of regions of the Russian Federation, the state of objects Automobile and Road Infrastructure, their geographical location and the quality of their services has a number of deficiencies and does not meet modern requirements for objects of roadside service. <...> Optimization of automobile and road maintenance, in particular roadside service and management in the road sector was considered in the works of scientists - Gudkov V.A., Corchagin V.A., Habibullin R.G. and others. <...> Despite already obtained scientific results of the leading scientists of the industry, some of the theoretical and practical problems in the field of transport infrastructure development require a more in-depth consideration. <...> Among the problems of the transport sector we can identify the following:  poor quality of transport services;  existence of territorial and structural imbalances in the development of transport infrastructure;  insufficient availability of transportation services for the population;  low level of export of transport services, including the use of transit potential;  insufficient transport safety;  the negative impact of transport on the environment. <...> Solution to these problems should be a long-term transport strategy, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2008. <...> As part of the "Transport Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030" provides for the construction of freight terminals and logistic centers, service stations and repair of motor vehicles, parking lots, campsites and hotels in the roadside area. <...> Among the tasks of the approved "Transport Strategy" in the Development of the road is equipping zones for service and repair services of cars, parking and recreational drivers. <...> However, due to Russia's WTO accession and the creation of the Common Economic Space, should be made the main areas of transport policy, with the aim of creating a balanced transport infrastructure, implementation of the transit potential of the country, providing the population with high-quality transport services, improving <...>