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The World of Business (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыЧичеренкова Татьяна Александровна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияУчебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков романо- германского факультета Cтарооскольского филиала Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов дневного обучения дневного обучения 3 курса РГФ и 1, 2 курсов экономического факультета.
The World of Business / Т.А. Чичеренкова .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2009 .— 39 с. — 39 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/278110 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» СТАРООСКОЛЬСКИЙ ФИЛИАЛ THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Учебное пособие для вузов Составитель Т. <...> Being hooked on work, a workaholic would say, “I have no life.” Then, why do you think they continue putting in long hours at work? c. The dictionary defines a workaholic as “a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working in order to do other things.” List things, activities, relationships etc., workaholics have to sacrifice. d. <...> World – Class Workaholics: are Crazy Hours and Takeout Dinners the Elixir of American Success? <...> Chris Strahorn’s parents haven’t seen much of him lately. <...> They’re usually asleep by the time he gets home, anywhere between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. And he’s often asleep when they leave work. <...> If his car is in the driveway, they know he made it back. (Sometimes his father says “hi” to the car.) If not, it’s a safe bet that 4 Strahorn, a 24-year-old computer programmer at an Internet start-up called the Tomorrow Factory, has pulled another overnighter, grabbing a few hours of sleep on his futon. <...> Strahorn likes the relative calm and quiet of his cubicle. <...> Wherever he slept, he tends to have breakfast at the Morning Brew Coffee Co. in the same small South San Francisco building at the Tomorrow Factory. <...> When the Tomorrow Factory moved in over the summer, the founders installed a door between the two places. <...> Thanks to that piece of foresight, the Tomorrow Factory’s thermoses are kept steadily filled with freshly ground Sumatra. <...> Some of the employees, says Strahorn, think it may be time to add a “direct line – an intravenous tube.” Young computer whizzes with stock options may not be broadly representative of the contemporary work force. <...> But in one respect – crazy hours – the Silicon Valley ethos speaks for American these days. <...> What makes them tick so fast? “Everybody knows I don’t have a life,” says Ken <...>
CONTENTS Section 1. Lifestyles and work............................................................................ 4 Section 2. Business travel ................................................................................... 8 Section 3. Globalisation ...................................................................................... 14 Section 4. Profit from the prophets ..................................................................... 19 Section 5. Economic reports ............................................................................... 23 Section 6. Profitable banks.................................................................................. 28 Section 7. Advanced points................................................................................. 33 Literature ............................................................................................................. 40 3
Eight Days a Week Co-worker Dylan Greiner’s marriage almost broke up five years ago, after a stint of 12-hour days at a software company in Texas. “A lot of lifestyle changes were made,” says Greiner. Yet he, too, has embraced the start-up life, including an hour and a half commute from his home near Modesto. Early next year, they will launch their product – a form of personal shopping management software whose wonders they cannot yet divulge. Before he joined the Tomorrow Factory, Greiner had a nice thing going at a software company in San Mateo, where he was required to do overtime just once in 18 months. From a domestic point of view, he says “it was a dream job. But it was pretty boring.” Chris Strahorn, a 24-year-old programmer, worked at Sun Microsystems for three years while pursuing an as-yet-unobtained degree in computer science at the University of California-Davis. He put in some 60-hour weeks at Sun. He says he’d sooner work 100 hours a week in a small and collegial setting of the Tomorrow Factory, working on something he believes in. A few years from now, he hopes to be in a position to say, “That’s mine – I wrote that – and it’s sitting on a million desktops.” Speaking 4. Explain what the following means. Here is the vocabulary you can use to do the task: hectic, exhausting, voracious, non-stop, jammed, tight, full, flexible, fixed, rigid, relaxing. – to work crazy hours – to pull another overnighter – national Work-a-thon – What makes them tick so fast? 5. Answer the questions below making inferences from the text about the following values: time, hard work, success/achievement. а. What value can be revealed from the title and the closing phrase? b. Why do you think takeout dinners are mentioned along with crazy hours in the subtitle? Why is fast food popular with workaholics? c. Why has the company thoughtfully provided the sofa for the employees? Does the company encourage its employees to have more rest? If not, give a different guess. d. Why do you think some of the employees would like to add a “ direct line – an intravenous tube”? 6. In small groups, discuss what you think of the workaholics’ lifestyle. Try to balance all pros and cons. The information below will help you. – Americans across the country will join in hundreds of activities to start a national conversation about how we can all live more fulfilling, happier lives. 6
– Americans work nine weeks more each year than their colleagues in Western Europe. – More than half of Americans (52 %) say they would be willing to trade a day off a week for a day’s pay a week. – Americans say they’d accept a pay cut to: have more free time to do whatever I wanted (27 %); have more free time to spend with my family (21 %); and genuinely feel less pressure and stress in my life (20 %). – More than 4 in 5 Americans (83 %) wish they had more time to spend with the family. This sentiment is shared among adults with and without children. More than 8 in 10 parents (88 %) and non-parents (83 %) want more time for family. Writing 7. Writing a composition (300 – 400 words). Give your opinion on the problem of workaholism and justify it. Points to remember: – Never start writing your composition before making a plan. – Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarises the paragraph. – Each viewpoint should be joined to the others with linking or sequence words e.g. in the first place, to start with, what is more, also, furthermore, besides, apart from this, it is argued that, etc. A good argumentative composition expressing opinion should consist of: a. аn introduction in which your opinion is clearly stated, б. a main body which can consist of two or more paragraphs. Each viewpoint, supported by a logical reason, should be presented in a separate paragraph. The opposing viewpoint is mentioned in a new paragraph. In the same paragraph you might include a lead-in opinion to your conclusion. c. A conclusion in which you sum up your viewpoints and re-state your opinion. Useful Words and Phrases: To list viewpoints: Firstly, In the first place, To begin with, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, etc. To add viewpoints: both…and, What is more, not only…but also, In addition, Furthermore, Besides, not to mention the fact that, etc. To present the other side of the argument: Contrary to what most people believe, As opposed to the above ideas, Some people argue that…etc. To express opinion: 7
I believe, In my opinion, I think, In my view, I strongly believe, I feel that, It seems to me that, etc. SECTION 2 BUSINESS TRAVEL PART 1 Preview 1. Work with a partner and discuss these questions. – How are business travellers different from other travellers? – How can an airline cater for their special needs? 2. Match the words below with their meanings. 1) to upgrade 2) a carrier 3) to savvy 4) economy 5) to check in 6) a cabin 7) in the offing a. to understand or to get the sense of (an idea, etc.); b. a class of travel in aircraft, providing less luxurious accommodation than first class at a lower fare; c. the part of an airliner in which the passengers are carried; d. to raise to a higher grade; e. possible; f. to arrive and register at a hotel, airport, etc. g. a vehicle, ship, etc used for the transport of sth. Reading 3. Read this article from the business travel section of a British newspaper and answer these questions. a. What is it that airlines cannot “have both ways”? b. How easy is it to get an upgrade? c. Why will it “count as nought” if a traveller is wearing jeans and a T-shirt? d. How can a business travel agent help? 8