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Law today (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыКлимова Алла Юрьевна, Беспалова Елена Александровна, Небренчина Ирина Юрьевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияУчебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных факультетов романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендовано Рекомендуется для студентов 1-2 курсов дневного отделения юридического факультета.
Law today / А.Ю. Климова, Е.А. Беспалова, И.Ю. Небренчина .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2010 .— 26 с. — 25 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/228156 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РФ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» LAW TODAY Учебно-методическое пособие для вузов Составители: А. <...> Look at the title of the text and think about the difference between the concepts of “social morality”, “rules” and “laws”. <...> Scan the text and answer the questions: 1) What’s the difference between a prescriptive law and government-made law? 2) Why don’t governments have to enforce customs and rules in society? 3) How do governments enforce laws? 4) What happens if a person breaks a custom or a rule? 5) What happens if a person breaks a law? 6) Why do governments make and enforce laws? 2. <...> Translate the following passage: From: In all societies… Up to: …have very little to do with the laws created by governments. 3. <...> Find in the text equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations. 1) нарушать правила 2) предусматривать наказания 3) гражданин 4) возбудить гражданское дело 5) признать виновным 6) совершить преступление 7) международное право 8) осуществлять 4. <...> Match the words to their synonyms. 1) procuration 2) intermission 3) behavior 4) violate laws 5) oblige 6) interface 7) fairness 4 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) obvious conduct abuse purpose authority justice break laws 8) misuse 9) clear 10) keep 11) reason 12) set-up 13) penalty h) stop i) enforce j) establish k) retain l) interaction m) punishment 5. <...> Fill in the gaps with the suitable words and word combinations from the list below. <...> International law, civil action, implemented, commonsense, carry punishments, suspension, guilty 1) If a rugby player hits the referee and breaks his nose during the game, the referee can start an __________ __________ against him. 2) The rules of social institutions __________ __________ for those, who break them. 3) Nowadays, __________ __________ is developing rapidly in the form of limited practical agreements to facilitate trade and protect the environment. 4) In spite of his advocate’s efforts, he was found __________ and sentences to three years of prison. 5 5 <...>
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РФ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» LAW TODAY Учебно-методическое пособие для вузов Составители: А.Ю. Климова, Е.А. Беспалова, И.Ю. Небренчина Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета 2010
Содержание Social morality, rules and laws .............................................................................. 3 Common law systems ............................................................................................. 7 Continental systems .............................................................................................. 12 Civil and public law .............................................................................................. 15 Differences in procedure....................................................................................... 19 Points of contract................................................................................................... 22 3
5) The committee’s suggestions were __________ immediately. 6) Although she is not very educated, she’s got plenty of __________. 7) Everybody thought his __________ from the team was too hush punishment. 8. Read the statements and decide if they are true or false. 1) Social rules and customs are both enforced by the government. 2) Unlike social customs, laws are usually international. 3) Many laws reflect social customs. 4) People who break social rules and customs don’t usually suffer any penalties. 5) Civil laws regulate interaction among citizens. 6) A just decision is always a decision that most people feel is fair. 7) Laws are based on commonsense and always look reasonable. 8) Governments combine many purposes and inherit many traditions in lawmaking. 9. В русском языке слово law имеет следующие значения: 1﴿ закон 2) право 3) суд 4) судебный процесс A. Match English word combinations with their Russian equivalents. 1) fair/just law 2) straighten law 3) unwritten law 4) in law 5) according to the law 6) to go beyond the law 7) to keep within the law 8) to lay down the law 9) to apply/enforce the law 10) to annul/repeal a law 11) to break/violate the law 12) to adopt/pass a law a) опубликовать закон b) нарушить закон c) ввести закон в действие d) подать в суд e) принимать закон f) в соответствии с законом g) судиться h) аннулировать/опротестовать закон i) совершить противозаконный поступок j) соблюдать закон k) толковать закон l) придерживаться закона 6
13) to draft a law 14) to obey/observe a law 15) to promulgate a law 16) to carry law into effect 17) to consult the law 18) to interpret law 19) to be at law with smb. 20) to go to law m) обратиться к юристу n) готовить законопроект o) формулировать закон p) применять закон q) справедливый закон r) неписаный закон s) строгий закон t) по закону B. Choose any three word combinations and make your own sentences. 9. Discussion. 1) Is it possible to create laws that wouldn’t contradict commonsense? 2) Do you agree that there is some eternal law which is good for all times and situations? 3) Do you agree that mercy killing should be punished? 10. Summarize the text and tell your group mates about the following: • The difference between social rules, customs and laws. • The reasons why governments make and enforce laws. • The reasons why laws often contradict commonsense. Common law systems (p. 14-16). Warming-up activity. 1) How do you understand word combination “law system”? 2) What law systems do you know? 3) What law system operates in this country? 1. Look through the text and answer the questions. 1) What is the difference between Common law systems and Continental law systems? 2) Who administered law in England until 1066? 3) How did the Norman Kings unify law in England? 4) What are the main features of Common law systems? How do they work? 7
5) Why did England have two systems of justice until 1873? 6) What factors influenced the spread of Common law in the world? 7) What factors influence passing new laws in England? 2. Translate the following passage. From: The doctrine of precedent is still a central feature of modern common law systems… Up to: …equality should prevail. 3. Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian words and word combinations. 1) обычай 2) источник права 3) быть связанным решениями предыдущих судебных заседаний 4) судебное постановление 5) принимать закон 6) создавать закон 7) отправлять правосудие / применять нормы права 8) местные суды 9) разрешать противоречия 10) нарушение обязательств по контракту 11) осуществлять нормы общего права 12) мошенничество в бизнесе 13) кража с использованием компьютера 14) правоотношение 3. Match the words to their synonyms. 1) decree 2) arbiter 3) explanation 4) encroach 5) change 6) interpret 7) discrepancy 8) to draw out 8 a) clarify b) divergence c) judge d) statute e) interpretation f) invade g) derive h) modify